A microcontroller that supports I2C is required to communicate with the DS1307 and relay the RTC's data to the user. The SparkFun RedBoard or Arduino Uno are popular options for this role, but just about any microcontroller development board should work. (The firmware examples use an Arduino library, if that serves as any extra motivation to use an Arduino.)

We've written an Arduino library for the DS1307, which takes care of all of the I2C communication, bit-shifting, register-writing, and clock-managing; it even sets the time of your RTC automatically! Grab the most recent version of the library from our SparkFun_DS1307_RTC_Arduino_Library GitHub repository:

Sparkfun Ds1307rtc.h Library Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urllie.com/2y4AKz 🔥

Then follow along with our How to Install an Arduino Library tutorial for help installing the library. If you download the library's ZIP file, you can use Arduino's "Add ZIP Library..." feature to install the source and example files with just a couple clicks.

Once you've downloaded the library, open the DS1307_Demo by navigating to File > Examples > SparkFun DS1307 Real Time Clock (RTC) > DS1307_RTC_Demo:

The DS1307 library defines an object conveniently named rtc to access all of the functions and data of the RTC module. To initialize the RTC, begin by calling the rtc.begin() function in your setup() area:

From a logical standpoint, I would assume to take the time from the RTC module and use that as reference for the LED. Upon doing research on this topic, I noticed there are many libraries available for the same module. That's a bit confusing.. How do I know what would be the best library to use for this module?

I am using a Mega and every single tutorial does not have a single decent tip on using this on anything but a single Uno. Can anyone help me with this? I need to be able to read it from pins 20 or 21 (SDA SCL) or 18, 19 (preferably) (TX1 RX1) Can you explain to me how to change this? I am assuming it is a ling in the library

No sketch or library code changes needed. Only wiring changes required. Uno (or any 168/328 based board) uses analog pins 4 & 5 for the I2C data and clock signals respectively. The mega uses pins 20 and 21 for those two connections to the RTC board. Select the correct board in the IDE and upload the RTC sketch and it all should work, mine does on either my 328 board or mega1280 board.

Here is the sketch I use (and it works!) if you have the proper DS1307 library code loaded into your user's libraries folder.

Upload as is and it will print time data to the serial monitor at 57600 baud rate. Uncomment out the time data section in the setup section and change the parameters to todays time and date and then upload again, it will update the new time and date and print values to the serial monitor. Finally re-comment out the setup portion and up load again to just display time and date.

It's a function option of the library. when you read the first time element (HR is that example) using true the library goes ahead and reads all the time and date elements at that instant. So when you print the other elements it doesn't bother to ask the RTC for the elements, but just gets the data it received in the first transaction with the RTC. If just makes the sketch run faster.

The other two libraries are just Arduino core libraries that are needed. I got this DS1307 library from the playground over a year ago, and I can't find it there now for the life of me. The arduino playground is kind of a mess to find stuff with no attempt to delete dead links, etc. It's all user required maintenace and like I said it's a mess. If you can't find it and you wish to PM me your email address I can send them to you as attached files?

Does anyone know how to increment the hours without it falling out of 12 hour mode? I'm using the library and the setHour command seems to be the culprit. Is there a way manually set the AM/PM bit? Here's my function:void setTimeManually(){while (digitalRead(hourUpButton) == HIGH){addHour = rtc.hour(); //assign local variableaddHour++; //increment itrtc.setHour(addHour); //write to RTC}while (digitalRead(hourDownButton) == HIGH){ subtractHour = rtc.hour(); //assign local variablesubtractHour--; //decrement it rtc.setHour(subtractHour); //write to RTC} }

I'm trying to understand how the library got SPI.Transfer(0x8e); // Control register then line down it says, SPI.Transfer(0x60); // disables square wave......alarm clock.I looked through the data sheet to find where the 0x60 came from. Did they mean to transfer to the 6th bit of 0x8e register? That messed me up pretty bad at trying to understand SPI Programming. Anyone know?

Thanks for creating this library!! It helped a lot!!One thing I would add, is that you need to set the SPI data mode back to MODE0 after using this library if you are also using the SD card and the ethernet shield.

I encountered a similar issue trying to use the sparkfun example with an SD card. In my case, I was using the DeadOn RTC and sparkfun example with the sparkfun microSD shield stacked on top of an arduino uno r3. I was initially only able to get either the SD or RTC working at any time despite an hour of troubleshooting.Eventually I came to this comment and changed the ReadTimeDate and SetTimeDate functions (added the two lines below at the beginning/end of the functions) to take care of the SPI mode switching, and everything works great!.

Hey just wanted to say thanks for the library you posted. I really appreciate it as i am new to all this and was having trouble getting this clock talking with the whole SPI thing then realized the RTClib i had was wrong and meant for a DS1307. After adding your RTClib everything worked perfect! Seeing the differences I now understand a lot more about the arduino environment. I can't thank you enough!

Have you used your library to adjust clock setting via an external button? I'm trying to do that with the 3234 and struggling a bit. Looked at your library and not sure how to incorporate some of those functions.

It is true that the manufacturer's data sheet claims that SPI should work in both modes 1 and 3. However, I have found that, in practice, SPI only works in mode 3 with the chip. That problem may not necessarily be a problem with the manufacturer. The problem may lie with the SPI library itself.

MFindley,Are you saying you finally got the date/time to set? That's the one thing I'm struggling with now. Using both the library above and the example sketch (modified to SPI_MODE3) I can read date/time no problem, but can't seem to set it no matter what. Mind sending me you sketch?

No, not by itself.Because the DST rules are different in different countries (and sometimes different within portions of the same country) and subject the the whims of what ever politicians are in charge, it would make no sense to hard-code the rulesets into silicon. There is a DST library available for Arduino (I forget the site and don't have time to Google it for you), or you can simply code in the rules for the target location where you plan to deploy your clock.

I'm having serious issues getting this working with Arduino Due. I'm using the ICSP pins broken out on the board with the SS connected to D53 (made the appropriate change in the example sketch). When I run the sketch I get "45/25/165 18:85:85" with no incrementation. I have read the data sheet and tutorials, as well as trying the RTC library (doesn't work with the Due). I'm at a loss as to what I'm screwing up. Please help!

i'm a bit partial to sparkfun, so before i buy, what are the differences between the chronodot 2.1 breakout and this ds3234 breakout?i see the pins are a bit different, headers soldered on, a batt is provided, sram, i2c vs spi.

This hardware works as described. However, the Arduino IDE sets the time to the time that the Arduino IDE was launched, and not to the compile time when using the rtc.autoTime() library function. As long as you realize this and employ an adequate work-around (either set the time by other methods or quit/re-launch the IDE before compiling and uploading), then you should not experience any issues. The device itself works great.

Bought the DS3234 breakout board about 6 weeks ago. Still cannot get it to work. Library DS3234.h appears to be no longer available. Have tried several example sketches in the SPI.h library, none of which will compile without errors. Will continue to do research to see if I can get this thing to work.

I've got this working on a Mega with the Ethernet 2 shield, and it works fine including with the ethernet. So far, I'm not able to get it working with the SD card. I guess there's some SPI problem, but I can't track it down. I am aware of the need for different chip select pins. I'm using pin 4 for SD on the ethernet shield, pin 48 for the real time clock, and I'm setting pin 53 as an output so that the Ethernet 2 library is happy. Not sure what's going wrong yet. Seems like a good RTC and SD cards should be a common combination...EDIT: I think the two libraries were configuring the bus in incompatible ways. I worked around this by simply initializing the connection each time I used it. I expect there are more elegant fixes, but this was fine for my purposes.

I have previously used a DS1305 clock and similar ones which worked well, but this is better because its only 2cm and contains everything, Temperature compensated oscillator and clock all on one chip. I wrote my own Arduino library. Took about a week and a half to get it to work. Several syntax errors in my code. Fixed the code and works fine now. One thing I don't understand is the Enable oscillator bit 7 in the control register. (0eh/8eh) Page 14 of the DS3234 datasheet says "the oscillator is always on regardless of the status of the EOSC bit." So what's the purpose. I thought the oscillator should be off when setting the time? A bit expensive, but worth it if you need a small reliable, accurate clock for your project.

I have a question: to make the shield work with Arduino Mega 2560, could I make some hardware changes instead of modifying the SD library? From the schematic, it looks like it might work if I use some sort of headers to connect the Arduino Mega 2560's ICSP pins to the shield ICSP holes, then cut the shield's pins 11, 12, and 13.I think if I make these changes I should then be able to use the standard SD library, with pinMode(8, OUTPUT) and SD.begin(8) in my sketch. e24fc04721

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