
Course Grading

Points are earned through a variety of learning activities, assigned weekly throughout the semester. Assignments are designed to enhance your learning by allowing multiple submissions so that you can learn from your mistakes. You can achieve a successful grade in this course by correcting mistakes and repeating assignments with low scores. You have access to your personal Canvas grade book at all times to track your progress and you are always encouraged to contact me with questions or concerns.

Evaluation of student performance will be calculated using the following weighted scale:

  • Canvas Assignments: 60%

  • Cajas de cartón Assignments: 20%

  • Portfolio: 10%

  • Midterm Exam: 5%

  • Final Exam: 5%

Grade Scale

A: 90% - 100%

B: 80% - 89%

C: 70% - 79%

D: 60% - 69%

F: 59% or lower


You will be tested with one midterm and one final exam. The midterm exam will assess your knowledge of the content from the first half of the semester and the final exam will include the content from the second half of the semester. The midterm exam and final exam will be completed online and proctored by Profesora Tania. If you foresee any conflicts with your examination schedule, please contact your instructor prior to each exam.