Late Policy

Details about assignments and due dates will be posted on Canvas and Connect. The Canvas assignments are due weekly and the Connect assignments are due after the completion of each chapter (see the course calendar for specific dates). Technological troubles will NOT be accepted as an excuse for not submitting work in a timely manner.


  • The Canvas assignments are organized into weekly modules and are due every Wednesday by midnight (11:59 p.m.). Each weekly module is available for an additional week past the due date as a grace period in case extra time is needed. Late Canvas assignments will receive a 10% grade deduction. Any assignments not submitted by the “available until” date will not be available for students to complete and will be given a zero grade.


  • Connect assignments have a suggested due date to help students balance the workload and can be self-paced. Connect assignments may be submitted past the due date for full credit until the date of the midterm and the final exams. For example, the chapters 1-2 Connect assignments are due by the midterm and chapters 3-4 are due by the date of the final exam.