Different sides of

Debilitated venus

Lets understand first what debilitation means . A planet position is considered debilitated when it is at its lowest dignity.

The sign where the planet when placed behaves at its worst way.

Example for venus the debilitated position is sign virgo.

Venus gets debilitated at 27 degree of virgo.

Venus rules two signs taurus and libra but it gets debilitated in virgo .

Why venus does not work well in the sign of virgo ??

The reason is venus being a planet of love and love does not have boundaries but when such planet comes into a sign of virgo where there are restrictions , rationality , practicality it does not feel good and that's why it behaves at its lowest dignity.Venus in virgo makes the native very practical , detail oriented , critical, rational.

But there is different way of looking at this position and you will see how this debilitated position can actually benefits . Venus in virgo specially in chitra nakshtras can make the native very creative. Being detail oriented , practical , rational can turned out to be beneficial when it comes to your career.

Its mostly in relationships and how we deal with other people where venus in virgo does not work well , in other aspect of life this placement can give native really good results.

Problems with exalted venus