Souvik Ray  শৌভিক রায়

Hi, I am Souvik Ray, currently a post-doctoral research associate at the School of Data Science and Society (SDSS), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My post-doc mentor is Prof. Amarjit Budhiraja

I obtained my Ph.D. from the Department of Statistics at Stanford University in the Spring of 2023. I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Sourav Chatterjee for my Ph. D. dissertation. My doctoral research involves an investiagtion of stability properties for random optimization problems with a particular focus on problems arsing from mathematical physics, combinatorial optimization and operations research. Currently I am working on network control problems on dynamical random graph models with Prof. Shankar Bhamidi and  Prof. Amarjit Budhiraja. I am also interested in random walk problems, random matrix theory, large deviations and stochastic analysis. For a detailed version of my research interests and work, please have a look at my CV .

Before joining Stanford in 2018, I obtained my Masters' degree (M. Stat) in probability and mathematical statistics from Indian Statistical Institute, kolkata in 2018 and my Bachelors' degree (B. Stat) in statistics from the same institute in 2016.