Hosting SHOES

Are you interested in hosting SHOES at your institution? 

Each year a college or university hosts the SHOES conference. To date, SHOES has never charged membership dues or registration fees for attendance. Despite the lack of a formal bureaucracy, the "society" works quite well and put on a great conference every year.

Hosting the conference is as simple as indicating a willingness and that you have sufficient institutional support. The conference need not be elaborate. Once a host is identified, the operation of the next year's conference (call and selection of papers, format of the conference, site logistics, etc.) is up the organizers. The SHOES coordinators (currently Eric Platt, Lauren Bradshaw, and Christian Anderson) are happy to help as much or as little as the hosts need (e.g., updating the SHOES website). Hosts can also refer to past hosts and programs for ideas.

SHOES is generally held in mid-March, exact dates determined by the host. A call for papers is sent out in the fall (via the SHOES email list, on the Facebook page, and via other channels). Proposals are usually due in January with those accepted receiving notice soon thereafter. The typical format is as follows: 

Determination of future conferences is made at the SHOES business meeting (the shortest academic business meeting!). If you are interested in hosting next year, email