Side Events Tuesday, 11th December:

UNFCCC Theme: Providing Support

A closer look at the nature and role, of partnerships for enabling effective water management in South Africa

Time: 10:00 - 11:00

Venue: South African Pavilion, Exhibition Block H, no. 9

Host: The National Business Initiative

Description: South Africa is classified as semi-arid country and our water resources are limited. Due to drought, and insufficient infrastructure maintenance, South African municipalities struggle to manage water resources. In this session we unpack the importance of partnerships in addressing these challenges and explore preparing for a future in which climate change further limits our water resources.

Speakers: (TBC)

Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation in South Africa

Time: 11:00- 12:00

Venue: South African Pavilion, Exhibition Block H, no. 9

Host: The Department of Environmental Affairs


Climate change is a sobering reality for South Africa. This reality has become even more evident with the occurrence of unprecedented extreme weather events, ranging from severe storms, floods and drought. South Africa has warmed significantly over the past eight decades, with parts of the country having warmed at twice the global rate of warming. Drastic warming of more than 4 – 6 °C is projected for South Africa over the next few decades, making climate change one of the most important developmental risks to South Africa; with economic, social and ecological dimensions.

This event aims to:

a) Share of experiences and insights on the tracking of climate change adaptation actions and climate resilience in South Africa

b) Highlight South Africa’s advances in tracking of climate change adaptation and climate resilience through the Desired Adaptation Outcomes Framework as an inclusive approach to climate transparency through an interactive and open public platform


  • Dr Tsakani Ngomane, Deputy Director-General Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Air Quality, Department of Environmental Affairs, South African Government (TBC)
  • Mr Tlou Ramaru, Chief Director: Climate Change Adaptation, Department of Environmental Affairs, South African Government (TBC)
  • Reitumetse Molotsane, Director, Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation, Department of Environmental Affairs, South African Government

Technology to Eradicate Water Leaks form Municipal Water Infrastructure

Time: 12:00 - 13:00

Venue: South African Pavilion, Exhibition Block H, no. 9

Host: Exxaro Resources

Description: Exxaro has introduced a revolutionary and innovative technology to address the issue of water losses in the South African reticulation system. It is estimated that these losses are close to 40% of the system input volumes. The technology fits into Exxaro's Water Saving initiatives and conservation strategy. This technology allows for surgical repair addressing multiple leaks with a single intervention. The technology is trenchless (no dig) solution that can be rapidly deployed and at a fraction of the cost of traditional repairs.

Speakers: (TBC)

Onsite Chlorine Manufacturing reducing the cost for water purification

Time: 14:00 - 15:00

Venue: South African Pavilion, Exhibition Block H, no. 9

Host: Exxaro Resources

Description: Exxaro is contemplating a modular onsite chlorine technology that offers to disrupt the chlorine gas value chain by allowing an end consumer autonomous control of their supply of chlorine and chlorine based products. Chlorine is the primary disinfectant used to purify drinking water. The benefits of such a concept reduces the need to road transport hazardous gases from large centralized production facilities which significantly contribute to the cost of chlorine gas. In addition having fresh chlorine gas produced on demand has an improved efficacy benefit further reducing chemical consumption and treatment costs. This technology also improves onsite and road safety as it eliminates the handling of bulky chlorine gas cylinders.

Speakers: (TBC)

UNFCCC Theme: Enhancing Ambition

Exploring economic transition scenarios for South Africa in response to climate change and various socio-economic pressures

Time: 16:00- 17:00

Venue: South African Pavilion, Exhibition Block H, no. 9

Host: The National Business Initiative

Descriptions: Global economies and sectors are already responding to climate change, through corporate and policy action. Climate change will be a driver of economic competitiveness in the future low carbon world. South Africa is a heavy carbon emitter and our main economic sectors are vulnerable to global emission reduction pressure. South Africa’s economic and political influence is limited and thus we need to be strategic in our response to climate change in order to avoid being a taker of economic change

Speakers: (TBC)