Whether you live in the city or the countryside, the constant chorus of birds is a reminder of how much wildlife there is outside your window. Although the cast of characters depends on the time of year, there are usually plenty of species waiting in the wings for their big solo.

Listen to the songs and calls of the most common garden birds in the UK and get tips on how to learn to recognise these familiar sounds.

Springtime brings a sound familiar to many light sleepers and early risers: the dawn chorus. This intense period of birdsong, which starts about an hour before sunrise, begins around March and continues to July, corresponding with the mating season.

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It's not only at night when robins take centre stage: the nation's favourite bird also sings through the winter months when other species fall silent. Listening out for robins in winter is a great way to start trying to identify them by their sounds, since fewer other birds are singing at this time of year.

3. Listen then look. Focus on the most frequent calls you hear - identifying birds is easier when you are only dealing with a few species. Once you have learned the most common sounds it will help you differentiate them from the less common. When you have noticed where a particular call is coming from, try and get a sighting of the bird to help you identify it. Most of the birds mentioned here will sing from a perch - a tree branch, fence, rock or roof - rather than from the ground.

Great tits have an iconic, high-pitched and squeaky 'see-saw-see-saw' song which makes it one of the easiest birds to identify by sound. Alternating between two notes of different pitch, it sounds a bit like a bicycle pump being used. It's often written as 'teacher, teacher'.

The calls of jackdaws range from a hard staccato 'tchack' or 'jack', to a slow persistent squawking sound. These birds are well adapted to living in urban areas, often nesting in chimneys and buildings.

The gartered trogon is a colorful bird that chirps a rolling chattering sound or sings a long series of hollow and rapid notes sounding like kyu-kyu-kyu. These birds have very large, yellow-ringed eyes allowing them to see well in low light and also be among the first to contribute to the dawn chorus before sunrise.

Thrushes are another species that start the dawn chorus, typically an hour before sunrise and right after blackbirds. You can recognize their styles by short and fluty repeated phrases with pauses in between that sound more chatty than musical. Males are known to be very active singers, especially during the breeding season.

These birds can be found in the U.S. all year, and throughout Canada during the breeding season. Robins are associated with spring and that is when you will hear their morning song most frequently. I have also found that they are one of the last birds I hear in my yard in the evening as well. They just love to sing! You can find them in parks, grasslands, suburban backyards, and woodlands.

Orioles are brightly colored birds with a full and rich whistling tone. Their chirps consist of short series of notes paired together, lasting 1 to 2 seconds, and repeated 2 to 7 times. Males sing in the spring to defend their breeding territory. You are more likely to see them high up in the trees where they like to search for insects in the upper foliage. Perhaps part of the reason they join the dawn chorus is being able to get the first morning light at the tops of the trees.

Common chaffinches have a cheery morning song that they repeat over and over. Males will sometimes chirp a descending rattle of notes before an accelerated ending. Some people used to believe these birds can predict incoming rainstorms. However, you might not want to rely solely on them as your weather forecast!

I was out in the garden from about 7.30 to 8ish this morning, as usual. It was really very foggy. I noticed that the birds in the next door wood were singing very loudly today, I could here them very clearly before I even opened the door, noticeably greater volume than usual. Coincidently a friend of mine said to me this morning that she had heard the birds singing very loudly this morning too. I was wondering if it had anything to do with the fog. Have been trying to come up with various theories but science brain not too great !

Isometimes think in thick fog the everyday sounds such as passing traffic noise seem to be deadened so maybe in these conditions the birdsong has more chance of being heard.On the other hand it may be just that your birds are thinking spring is just around the corner and the claim on territory is getting stronger.

As I sit on my front step watching night turn into day, l listen to the many birds chirping their early morning song. One bird starts with a high pitch shrill before others join in. Then, after a while, that same bird returns to sing some more. All the birds chirp in harmony. In perfect pitch and right on key. Some are sitting in gum trees close by, while others are further away.

I recognise the carolling magpies, the haunting voice of the ravens, and the melodic currawongs. Even the laughing kookaburras and pink galahs add their voices to say g'day. With the dawn now breaking and the sun beginning to shine, the ever-reliable rainbow lorikeets take part, before the sulphur-crested cockatoos squawk the final verse.

All of sudden I see a magpie sitting on top of a telegraph pole. It makes an unfamiliar call, telling me that one of the earlier sounds was exactly that, a magpie. I wonder if any of the other birds I'm familiar with were singing different songs for the dawn chorus as well?

So I listened to past recordings and found some gems that were never published. I particularly enjoyed these recordings, made during the first days of spring, early in the morning. The session started at 5AM, when the tawny owls would soon be going to bed, and with the other birds slowly waking up. It ended at around 9AM, with titmice singing vividly. Winter is over. The mornings are still cold, very cold. But they all know it won't be so for much longer. Deliverance is near, and the good days will soon return!

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You are trying to sleep in on a beautiful Saturday morning, but all you can hear is a crisp kooo-koooooo sound stemming from somewhere outside your window. You ignore it, but it keeps coming back every few seconds.

According to Dr Dominique Potvin, an evolutionary and behavioural ecologist at the University of the Sunshine Coast, one hypothesis is that birds call at dawn because sound travels well due to a combination of a few different factors.

No, bird sounds do not influence the release of oxygen from plants. Oxygen exits plants through openings in the leaves called stomata (singular = stoma). While stomata do open and close due to environmental stimuli, the chirping of birds one of those triggers. Rather, signals such as sunlight, CO2 levels, humidity, and temperature cause cells around each stoma opening to expand or contract, thereby opening or closing the stoma. By following these signals, plants take in sufficient CO2 when conditions are good for photosynthesis, but limit the loss of precious water. Because there is no sunlight at night, the stomata are typically closed during this time. They then open in the morning when there is again sunlight. That this coincides with the time that birds are especially vocal is simple chance.

Plants release oxygen during photosynthesis, the process in which plants make food using energy from the sun. I do not think there is any evidence that the process is affected by bird sounds, although bird chirping likely coincides with the sun rising, stimulating the reactions for photosynthesis.

What I found is that male birds are defending their territory in the early mornings before there are lots of other sounds around. Supposedly the males do most of the chirping. The scientists thought sound carried farther in the early mornings when the air was more still, but that didn't seem to be true. Their experiment was to play recordings of a white-throated sparrow and a song sparrow at both dawn and midday. They measured the strength and quality at various distances in open grassland and in the forest.

Use our quick, clickable guide for identifying backyard birds by the sounds they make! Choose any of these popular different bird species to hear its typical bird sounds and bird calls, from vocalizations of parrots to the chirping of songbirds. As you're gardening in your backyard, relaxing outdoors or wandering in the woods, you might be able to use our guide to identify a few distinctive bird calls or bird noises. Identification of song bird sounds has a rich history; in the past, it was fairly complicated and frequently required mnemonics. For instance, the blue jay is recognized for singing this bird sound, "queedle, queedle, queedle," and the mourning dove bird sound can be written as "hooo-ah hoo-hoo-hoo." The northern flicker sounds like "squeechu-squeechu-squeechu," which might be easy to confuse with "queedle" unless you've heard these wild bird sounds yourself! It's also helpful to consider where you are when you're trying to identify birds chirping sound; check out the maps to see different bird species or if a particular bird is actually found in your area.

Today, identification is easier when you can listen to sounds of birds singing in short sound clips. Click a bird type to hear birds tweeting their "language." Note that some of these birds have different birds sounds based on the situation, too. For instance, many songbirds have "alarm" bird noises along with its normal tittering that can sound a little different. Tweets can also have a different tune than full bird calls. But this list of 50 sounds of birds should certainly be able to get you started! 17dc91bb1f

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