
Ray Tracing: Ray tracing is a computer graphics technique that can produce images of an environment by tracing paths of rays. Ray tracing is known to produce very realistic images and optical effects such as reflection, refraction, shadows can be modeled using the ray tracing technique.

OpenGL Shader Programming: The image sequences show 3D computer graphics renderings generated using OpenGL and GLSL shaders. OpenGL is an application programming interface (API) using which 2D/3D graphics programming can be done in GPUs, utilizing hardware acceleration and achieve real-time rendering.

Geometric Modeling: The images show various geometric modeling algorithms. It shows examples of bezier, bspline curves, subdivision techniques such as Doo-Sabin, Loop etc., and examples of sweeping and extrusion of one surface on another to generate solid surfaces geometries.

In Situ Data Summaries for Flexible Feature Analysis in Large-Scale Multiphase Flow Simulations [Journal of Computational Science 2022]

Geometry-driven Detection and Tracking of Viscous and Gravitational Fingers [IEEE TVCG 2022]

Probabilistic Multi-criteria Sampling for Data Analysis and Visualization [IEEE TVCG 2021]

Information-theoretic Exploration of Multivariate Time-Varying Image Databases [IEEE CiSE 2022]

In Situ Prediction Driven Feature Analysis in Flow Simulations [IEEE PacificVis 2018]

Visualization and Analysis of Rotating Stall for Transonic Jet Engine Data Sets [IEEE TVCG 2016]

A Confidence-guided Technique for Tracking Time-varying Features [IEEE CiSE 2021]

In Situ Distribution Guided Analysis and Visualization of Large-Scale Simulation Data Sets [IEEE TVCG 2017]

Distribution Driven Extraction and Tracking of Features for Time-varying Data Analysis [IEEE TVCG 2016]