Virtual Wedding Planning

Coming Soon!

What’s a Virtual Event Planner?

A virtual Event planner offers event planning services, right from the comfort of your home. If you are in the process of planning your wedding or some other event, we can help! Our team will walk with you through the process and take some of the stress that so often accompanies event planning.

We cover everything from helping you choose your theme and colours, the best practices for choosing a caterer, Aligning your budget with your expectations, creating a detailed guideline of your day, so that you are always on track, the guest list and so much more!

Why Should you Work With us?

We are passionate about weddings. With more than twenty years of experience as a wedding decorator, event coordinator and designer, we understand all of the intricate details that go into make your day memorable for the right reasons.




  • Downloadable Templates ( Guest List, seating Chart, Colour Schemes, Resources ect)
  • 2 personalized email correspondance

additional resources

Wedding Invitation Template



  • Downloadable Templates ( Guest List, seating Chart, Colour Schemes, Resources ect)
  • 2 personalized email correspondance

Additional Resources

  • One page Wedding Website $199.00
  • Wedding Invitation Template
  • 30 second Wedding Promo Video (720 P HD ) 130.00
  • Discounts on Wedding Album 50.00 Off 700.00 = 650.00

The Esperanza


  • Downloadable Templates ( Guest List, seating Chart, Colour Schemes, Resources ect)
  • 2 personalized email correspondence

Additional Resources

  • Three page Wedding Website
  • $ 325.00
  • Custom Wedding Invitations
  • 1 minute Wedding Promo Video (720 P HD ) 150.00
  • Personalized Poem or custom wedding vows 25.00 for the first 250 + 0.50 per word = 125.00 for 1 page or 500 words.
  • Custom Designed
  • ( 100 page wedding Album Design ) $600.00 includes a copy of the book 2 corrections included

Not sure what package to order?

Fill out the consultation form below and we will help you find the best the solution for your needs!