Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, store, use and share information through our Services.

We care about the protection and confidentiality of your information. As you use the app, you may provide information in conversations with your AI companion. We only process this information as described in this Privacy Policy, such as to allow you to have personalized and secure conversations and interactions with your AI companion, and to allow your AI companion to learn from your interactions to improve your conversations. We may also use information about your visits to our website to promote our services, but we will never use or disclose the content of your AI conversations for marketing or advertising purposes.

1. What information we collect

1.1 message and content. This includes messages you send and receive through the App, such as facts you may provide about you or your life, and any photos, videos, voice and text messages you provide.

1.2 Device and Network Data. This includes your computer or mobile device's operating system, make and model, browser, IP address, device and cookie identifiers, language settings, mobile device operator, and general location information such as city, state or geographic area.

Use Data. This includes information about how you use the Services, such as your interactions with the Services, the links and buttons you click and the pages you visit.

2. How we use your information

2.1 Use of your information

We collect these information for the following purposes:

2.2. Sensitive Information.

The Services allow you to enter information that may be sensitive and is specially protected by applicable law. This section explains how we use and protect sensitive information.

Sensitive information you provide in messages and content. During a conversation with an AI companion, you may choose to provide information about your religious views, sexual orientation, political opinions, health, racial or ethnic origin, philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership. By providing sensitive information, you agree to our use of it for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. But please note that we will not use your sensitive information or any content of your conversations for marketing or advertising.

3. How we share your information

3.1. Service Providers

We share your information with companies and individuals who provide services on our behalf or help us operate our services or our business (such as hosting, information technology, customer support, email sending and web analytics services). We also share information with companies that provide marketing services on our behalf, but we do not share the content of your conversations for marketing or advertising purposes. For example, we may share your email address with marketing service providers to send you marketing emails on our behalf and to help us identify others who may be interested in our Services. We require these marketing service providers to agree not to use your email address for any other purpose.

3.2. Professional advisors

We may share information with professional advisers, such as lawyers, auditors, bankers and insurance companies, as necessary in the course of their provision of professional services to us.

A. Advertising partners

We share information about our website visitors, such as the links you click, pages you visit, IP address, advertising ID, and browser type, with advertising companies for interest-based advertising and other marketing purposes. Sharing this information enables us and our advertising partners to target advertising to you and others. We will never share your conversations or any photos or other content you provide in the app with our advertising partners or use such information for marketing or advertising purposes.

B. Authorities and others

We may share information with law enforcement, government authorities, and private parties when we believe in good faith that it is necessary or appropriate for the legal compliance and protection purposes described in Section 2.A above.

C. Business transfer

We may share information with acquirers and other parties involved in business transactions (or negotiations for such transactions) involving corporate divestitures, mergers, mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, sales or other dispositions of all or a portion of our business or assets, Luka , Inc. (including in connection with bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

4. How we protect your information

We use a variety of industry-standard security technologies and procedures to help protect your data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

For your privacy and security, your account is password protected. You must prevent unauthorized access to your account and personal information by properly selecting and protecting your password and restricting access to your computer or device and browser by logging out when you have finished accessing your account.

All transmitted data is encrypted in transit. We encode information for such transmissions using standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology. All stored data is kept on secure servers. Access to stored data is protected by multiple layers of security controls, including firewalls, role-based access controls, and passwords.

While we take commercially reasonable steps to protect data, no technology, data transmission or system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If a security breach results in accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to your data, we will notify you as soon as we become aware of the problem.

5. Use of minors

The Services are not intended for individuals under the age of 18. If we become aware of minors under the age of 18 using the App, we will immediately block their access and delete their accounts. If you have reason to believe that a minor under the age of 18 has provided us with personal information through the Services, please contact us and we will endeavor to remove that information from our databases.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Services and our business may change from time to time. Therefore, from time to time we may need to change this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the above date.

7. Contact us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at