The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Mix and match, constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:

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If you eat raw veggies as your main source and walk 2 miles a day (Not as far as it sounds), you will lose 1 pound a day. For protein eat hard-boiled eggs, beans, and white chicken (Fish if you can afford it)

For breakfast you could try oatmeal cooked with water. 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1 cup of water mixed together and put in the microwave for a few minutes until cooked through. Mix a small handful of berries through that and it should keep you good for the morning.

Well done on the weight loss. You are 14 and you weight now about 152 pounds. That is not at all bad and it may be better just to keep it at that whilst you continue to grow. My teens (14) lost some weight and my view has been it is best to let it stabilise, change the foods you eat for life to a healthy diet with no junk food and as you grow taller and exercise any existing excess weight will disappear naturally.

Drink more water as possible , till 5Lit. per day , cause water doesnt have any sugar and it burns your Calories. for 7 months Im doing this i was 102 kg and im only 17 old , now after 7 months Im 78 i feel brilliant and i started fitness and i have got my six-packs (which were my dream)

Green beans are starchy. Try cutting them out for a while and cut the cottage cheese. Make sure that your first meal is 30g of protein (which yours would not be). Also, you should be measuring progress in terms of inch loss or body fat percentage loss as opposed to weight. Scales are not an accurate assessment of your health.

Tim also explains that it is not as simple as calories in/calories out. The type of calories you eat, especially when working out is very important. For example, eat carbs before a workout, your body will simply burn down the carbs. But, if you eat lean protein before a workout your body will use that protein to burn fat and build muscle.

If you are at a plateau, try and cut out the things that have a lot of sodium, such as cottage cheese, deli meats (probably the worst) and red meats. Substitute alternatives like fresh turkey (not ground) or chicken. You would be surprised what happens in a week with lower sodium diet.

Anyway, slower is better, and as you say, eating enough fat and protein calories in order to keep the metabolism burning fat (which cannot happen in the presence of starches that become sugar once digested) is the way to do that.

In a diet of 2000 calories, then, we would need 1000 calories from fat, and some sources say more, that the ratio should be 80% fat calories, but that might cause too much fat-burning too fast, there might be a metabolic reaction.

Another sidebar to the same article, on page 2, is titled Replace Sugars With Healthy Fats can be read by purchasing the magazine at , and part of the article is posted at this blog: _posts/replace-sugars-with-heatlhy-fats

I just had a baby 5 months ago and I feel huge! I want to lose weight but I dont know where to start. Trying to figure out what to cut, what to eat, what kind of exercise. It is all confusing to me. All I know is I want to lose weight and soon. I am going to try the dancing while cooking

No, no, no NOOOO. Starvation mode does not exist in our neck of the woods. I have waterfasted for 37 days (lived on nothing but water) and I experienced no problems, no loss of muscle, no loss of energy, nothing. So please, I know you mean well, but there is no evidence for your statements.

Hi, Im 23 years old, weigh 125 pound. Im on a diet almost for a month and I lost only 4 pound. Here is the list what Im eating. Morning, @8:00 I drink a of soya milk (80 cal) with a tea spoon of sugar. Afternoon, @12:30 I only eat one fruit such as kiwi or apple. Evening, @4:00 pm I ate on sun,tue,thur and sat veggie soup I mixed in my soup corn carrot cabbge green beans lental and on mon, wed, and fri I ate salad with 2 piece chicken breast. Around 9:30 pm i ate 3 oranges for my dinner and a very small amount of chikpeas. I drink 4 litres of water. And also im breast feeding as well. Someone please tell me what Im doing wrong and what should I exactly do to lost atleast 15 pound. Thanks in advance.

Just want to point out that if this lady really is/was breastfeeding and also already weighs only 125 on this incredibly limited diet, not only is she setting herself up for disappointment with weight loss eating only fruit (and adding sugar?), but she is also setting her baby up to have future health problems. Nursing infants need lots of fats and they only get into the breastmilk from what the mother eats. Just something to think about.

In order to lose weight, you should eat every 2-3 hours so your body does not get hungry and start storing fat. If your body knows you will be eating every 2-3 hours it will stop storing fat as long as you are not taking in too much fat. The water intake is good. Also, you should try to exercise at least 3-5 times per week. It sounds like from what I read that you are not taking in enough food and calories especially if you are breastfeeding. You may want to check with your doctor and find out how many calories you should be taking in when breastfeeding so the baby gets all the nutrients and you also will get the nutrients. If the baby takes everything, this could have an effect on your body especially your bones if you are not receiving enough calcium. Good luck!

What you are eating is dangerous. I was anorexic at a young age and the way you worded your post and the amount of food you are eating (especially the types and how you seem to be measuring the amounts), is very close to how I started down that path. This will be detrimental to your fitness goals in the long run, as well as detrimental to the child you are breast feeding.

Have you ever supplemented with protein shakes n also become a part of a challenge community to keep you motivated and accountable? I have found these two things to drive me to get in good shape. :)) I think everyone knows that the more we can keep our insulin levels down, the less sugars we store, less fat stored. Have that one day or couple melas that we splurge a bit: just do it before 7pm.

omg i should try that because im trying to be a model and yeh i need to eat a little healthier before the summer lol (: last year i lost 12 lbs. in a month by just eating small proportions of food :] so that was cool lol

Thanks for the motivation .. I started last saturday and lost about 3.40 pounds.. am going on a wild diet tomorrow (saturday) and was hoping to see if it will screw up something till I read your post ?

Some fruits are high in sugar. You just need to research which ones and limit the intake. If you eat foods high in sugar especially before you go to bed, these are added calories and will be stored as fat.

I am 23 years old, weigh 164lbs and have a horrible body fat % and i need to do something about it. In the past month i have really started watching what i eat and i work out hard at least 4 times a week, however i have not seen a decrease in my weight and i am getting very discouraged. I have even gone to the lengths of getting a personal trainer and still nothing.

What you need to pay attention to is the inches that you are losing. If you are working out and eating right and not losing much weight it is very likely that you are gaining muscle weight (which weighs more than fat) and losing inches. Body Fat is based off of your measurements not off of your weight.

Hi i was in the same exact boat until this last week so i started at 160 after 4 weeks i was only at 156 with tons of working out until last monday (7 days ago) i tried something different and finally today i weighed in at 147! Email me hopefully this can help u too

hi my names octavia i am 17 a senior in high school and i weigh 220 i wanna weigh at least 140 by prom which is in may, graduation, and college. i wanna know if you can help me tell me a routine a diet etc i need help asap!

Have protein snacks available. I keep Cheddar cheese, cooked chicken cut into bite size pieces, hard boiled eggs, nuts (not that many of these though) celery with sugar free peanut butter. in my fridge ready to grab. Keep going you will get there.

Hi, Im 23 years old, weigh 150 pounds Im on a diet almost for a month and I only lost 3 pounds. I dont know what Im doing wrong here is what Im eating. Morning,@ 8:00 a cup of soya milk (80cal) with a teaspoon of sugar. Noon,@12:30 one apple or kiwi. Evening,@4:00 on sun,tue,thur and sat I ate 2 piece of chicken breast with salad and on mon,wed, and fri I ate soup (the soup include corn carrot lentil corn strach cabbage). Night,@9:30 I ate 3 oranges with a small amount of chikpea. Im not sure what to do to lost atleast 15 pound and im breast feeding as well. Please help me what to do . Thanks in advance.

If you are breastfeeding you really need to eat balanced meals, with proteins, low carbs and some fat. Whatever you eat, your baby also eats. For the health of your child, maybe you should start supplementing with formula so they get the necessary vitamins they need. It is hard to lose weight after pregnancy, I have a 8 month old and am still trying. Good luck!

please be carefull if your breast feeding you need the calories and calcium that baby takes from you, depending on the age of your baby, remember that the baby weight took 9 months and may take a while to come off. keep breastfeeding and you will loose the fat. good luck 152ee80cbc

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