Hi, I am a post-doctoral research associate with Patrick Totzke at the University of LiverpoolMy research interests is in Theoretical Computer Science, specifically automata, games and logic. 

Previously, I did my PhD at LaBRI, University of Bordeaux under the supervision of Anca Muscholl and Gabriele Puppis

Before that, I did my Masters in Computer Science from Chennai Mathematical Institute(CMI) in 2017 and my Bachelors in Mathematics and Computer Science from CMI in 2015. My Master's thesis was supervised by B. Srivathsan.

Research Interests

My research focuses on topics in the intersection of Maths and Theoretical Computer Science, specifically Games, Automata Theory, Logic and Verification. 

Currently, I am working on problems in algorithmic game theory as part of the EPSRC project "The cost of winning strategies"

I have previously worked on Transducers during my PhD, and on Timed systems during my Masters.


(With Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen, David Purser, Patrick Totzke and Pierre Vandenhove) [arxiv]

(With Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen and Patrick Totzke) [arxiv]

(With Pete Austin and Patrick Totzke)  [arxiv] [conference]

(With David Purser and Patrick Totzke) [arxiv][conference]

(With Thomas Henzinger, Karoliina Lehtinen, Sven Schewe and Patrick Totzke) [arxiv]

(With Thomas Henzinger, Karoliina Lehtinen, Sven Schewe and Patrick Totzke) [pdf][conference]

(With Krishna S., Anca Muscholl and Gabriele Puppis) [arxiv] [conference] [talk recording]

(With Krishna S.,  Anca Muscholl, Vincent Penelle and Gabriele Puppis) [arxiv] [conference]

(With Anca Muscholl, Vincent Penelle and Gabriele Puppis)   [arxiv] [conference] 

(Supervisors:  Anca Muscholl and Gabriele Puppis) [Dissertation



email address:  sougata <dot> bose <at> liverpool <dot> ac <dot> uk

Office no 211, Ashton Building 

Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool,  Liverpool, L69 3BX, UK