2024 Presentations and Video Recordings
Lisa Robinson, President – San Lorenzo Valley Museum
The San Lorenzo River Watershed – Cultural History
Chris Berry, Watershed Compliance Manager – City of Santa Cruz
Milestones in the Recovery of San Lorenzo River Watershed Anadromous Salmonids
Kristen Kittleson, Fisheries Resource Planner – County of Santa Cruz
A Study of Historical Structures and Fish Passage in the San Lorenzo River
KEYNOTE: State Assemblymember Gail Pellerin
State of California Environmental Protection Policies
Justin Gragg, Geomorphologist/Hydrologist – Environmental Science Associates
Branciforte Flood Control Channel Fish Passage
Sam Adelson, Education Coordinator and Erin Loury, Communications Manager – Coastal Watershed Council
Floods: Ecological Impacts and Resiliency of the San Lorenzo River Watershed and Community
Chad Mitcham, Senior Biologist, North Coast Division – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services
Maximizing Habitat Benefits for the Western Pond Turtle and Other Sensitive Species
2023 Presentations
Gary Griggs, Ph.D, Distinguished Professor or Earth Sciences – UC Santa Cruz, The San Lorenzo - An Abused and Developed River Basin
David Revell, Ph.D, Principal Coastal Geomorphologist – Integral Consulting, Lagoon Management of the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz, California – 9 Years of Trials and Innovations
Louis White, Principal Coastal Engineer – Environmental Science Associates, Assessment of climate-induced salinity changes in the lower San Lorenzo River
Kristen Kittleson, Fisheries Resource Planner – County of Santa Cruz, County of Santa Cruz Stream Wood Program and the 2023 Atmospheric River Events
Zeke Bean, Water Resources Planner – City of Santa Cruz, Carly Blanchard, Environmental Programs Manager – SLV Water District, San Lorenzo River and North Coast Watersheds Sanitary Survey Update
Ryan Bassett, Water Resources Supervisor – City of Santa Cruz
A toxic tire chemical in the San Lorenzo River: initial investigations of 6PPD-Quinone.
2021 Presentations
Keynote – City of Santa Cruz Mayor Donna Meyers, Resiliency and Recovery
Marilyn Underwood: Director of Environmental Health at County of Santa Cruz, Environmental Health Response to Fire and Post-fire Water Quality
Amy East: Research Geologist at U.S. Geological Survey, Post-fire Geologic Hazards and Landscape Processes
Jennie Munster: QA/QC Chemist at City of Santa Cruz Wastewater Lab, San Lorenzo River Lagoon Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics
Alexander Johanson: Watershed Stewards Program of the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, Riparian Conditions in the San Lorenzo Watershed
Tiffany Wise-West: Sustainability and Climate Action Manager at City of Santa Cruz, Lower San Lorenzo River Climate Change Adaptation
2020 Presentations
Keynote: CA State Senator Bill Monning
Chris Coburn, Deputy Director of Operations, City of Santa Cruz Water Department - Winter Water Quality of the San Lorenzo River
Tim Hyland, Environmental Scientist, Santa Cruz District of California State Parks - Impacts of Exotic Plant Species on the San Lorenzo River Watershed Ecosystem
David Cowman, Forestry Aide, Santa Cruz District of California State Parks - Managing Wildfire for Watershed Health and Community Safety
Mike Westphal, Ecologist, United States Bureau of Land Management - Amphibians of the San Lorenzo River Watershed
Kristen Kittleson, Fishery Resource Planner, County of Santa Cruz - A New Look at 20+ Years of Steelhead and Habitat Data
Lisa Lurie, Executive Director, Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County - Enhancing Steelhead Habitat with Large Wood in Upper Zayante Creek
2019 Presentations
John Ricker - The San Lorenzo River Watershed Management Plan: 40 years old and still relevant
Shawn Chartrand - An Overview of Historical and Projected Climate
Mark Strudley, Senior Civil Engineer & Flood Control Division Manager for Santa Cruz County Department of Public Works - Flood risk decision-making in the San Lorenzo River Watershed
Travis Beck, City of Santa Cruz Superintendent of Parks - What is the River for? A Parks and Recreation Perspective
Jodi McGraw - The Santa Cruz Sandhills: A Biodiversity Hotspot in the San Lorenzo Watershed
Richie King, Santa Cruz Puma Project - Recent Findings in San Lorenzo River Watershed Puma Research
John Jankovitz, District Fisheries Biologist for CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife - Steelhead Fishing: Then and Now
2018 Presentations
Keynote - Assemblymember Mark Stone
Restoring the San Lorenzo River in the face of climate change, federal deregulation and competing land uses. March 17, 2018 at the Zayante Firehouse.
2017 Presentations
Keynote - California Secretary for Natural Resources, John Laird
"State and Federal Policy Updates and Ramifications for Restoring the San Lorenzo River Watershed"
Chris Berry, Watershed Compliance Manager, City of Santa Cruz Water Department
"A "10,000 foot", 10 Minute Overview of the San Lorenzo Watershed"
Shawn Chartrand, Principal Geomorphologist/Hydrologist, Balance Hydrologics, Inc.
"An Overview of Projecting Water Supply Availability and Instream Flows for Salmonids Using Hydrologic Records and Climate Projections within the San Lorenzo River Basin"
John Ricker, Water Resources Division Director, County of Santa Cruz Health Services Agency
"Groundwater Management for Increased San Lorenzo River Flow"
Jeff Nolan, Principal Geologist, Nolan Associates
"Karst Aquifers of Ben Lomond Mountain and Their Contribution to Surface Water Flow"
Kristen Kittleson, Fishery Resource Planner, County of Santa Cruz
"Steelhead and Coho Salmon – Living with the Flow"
Chris Coburn, Executive Director, Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County
"Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County – Making House Calls Since 1942"
"Incidental Flows" – performed by Run-S.L.R.
Run-S.L.R. is Coastal Watershed Council Executive Director Greg Pepping, Technical Director Armand Ruby, River Scientist Alev Bilginsoy and Outreach and Development Manager Laurie Egan.
Relationship between Streamflow and Juvenile Steelhead Densities - Don Alley, Fisheries Scientist
2016 Presentations - History & Ecology of the Lagoon
2015 Presentations