Sophie Cerf
About Me
I am Research Scientist (ISFP) in the Spirals team, and part of the Inria center of the University of Grenoble Alpes.
I am also lecturer at the Centrale Lille Institute.
Research Interests
My researches investigate the use of Control Theory for the autonomic management of Distributed Computing Systems.
I tend to focus my research on societal and ethical aspects: energy efficiency, carbon footprint, environmental impact, privacy protection.
NEW! Open Postdoctoral Position. Apply here before Nov. 11!
NEW! We have a number of internship positions to be filled on Spring 2025, don't hesitate to reach me out by email. If the internship goes well for all involved parties, PhD grants are available (funding already secured).
Digital Sobriety: controlling carbon footprint of software using learning and advanced techniques (link)
Digital Sobriety: controlling wasted resources using a mix of machine learning and classical techniques (link)
NEW! Check out our interactive Tutorial on Control for Computing!
© Inria / Photo B. Fourrier.
Some Keywords
Self-adaptive Systems
Control of Computing Systems
Distributed Systems (Cloud, Edge, High Performance Computing)
Computing within Limits
Reproducible Research
Before joining the Spirals team, I was postdoc (Mar. 2020 - Sept. 2021 ) at Inria, Grenoble (France) in the Ctrl-A team with Éric Rutten in collaboration with Argonne National Lab, Chicago (USA) and the Argo Project, with an Inria International Lab - JLESC grant. Prior to that, I worked as a research assistant (July - Nov 2018) at IBM Research Center, Zurich (Switzerland) with A/Prof. Lydia Y. Chen. I received my PhD degree (Oct. 2015 - May 2019) from the University of Grenoble-Alpes (France) on the topic of Control Theory for Computing Systems, for which I worked under the supervision of Pr. Nicolas Marchand , Dr. Bogdan Robu from Gipsa-Lab, Grenoble and Pr. Sara Bouchenak from DRIM research team, LIRIS, INSA-Lyon. I received my computer science & control engineering degree in 2015 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France, giving master's degree.
Funding and Awards
JLESC: collaboration Inria and ANL. Improving the Performance and Energy Efficiency of HPC Applications Using Autonomic Computing Techniques
PULSE: Défi Inria/Qarnot Computing (2022-2026). PUshing Low-carbon Services towards the Edge. Leader of WP5 on Emission control of computing tasks
ADAPT: ANR PRC 2023 (42 months – 472k€). Adapt hierarchical component-based systems dynamically. Leader of WP2 on Control mechanisms for adaptation and reconfiguration. Open postdoc position for early 2025!
18-month post-doctoral research grant within the Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing (JLESC) in 2020,
5-month research grant at IBM Zurich Center following an application to the IBM PhD Fellowship program 2018,
3-year french national research PhD ministry grant,
Best Poster Award at EEATS Doctoral School PhD day 2017