Is a Toothache Cause for Panic?

My tooth hurts; should I be panicking?

There are many different reasons why toothaches occur. Sometimes the cause is obvious such as biting into something especially hard, or sustaining a facial injury. However, there are also times when toothaches arise with seemingly no cause at all.

Your toothache may be the result of an underlying issue that will only continue to get worse until it's properly treated. The good news is that it isn't necessary to panic. The dentists at Soothing Care Dental are seasoned and well-trained for taking care of problems like these.

There are multiple types of toothaches and each can have its own unique cause such as:

Dental Decay: Tooth decay happens when bacteria living on the teeth and in the mouth feed on the sugars that are present in the foods and beverages you consume. As they do so, they release corrosive acids that gradually wear the protective enamel and actual tooth surface down. This corrosion leads to both weak teeth and progressive cavities that will eventually exposure the inner, sensitive layers of the affected tooth.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth: When tooth damage is sustained, you may develop a throbbing ache in your teeth. This is something that might occur as the result of an impact event, a blow to the mouth, or having bitten into something especially hard. You can get a toothache if you have even just a tiny crack in your tooth, which will ultimately bring the damage to your attention.

An Abscessed Tooth: If dental pulp is inflamed or infected, and if it isn't treated in a timely fashion, the bacteria responsible for this infection will form a pocket within the tooth called an abscess. Dental abscesses can be incredibly painful and they may lead to other infections. These are problems that should always be treated right away.

Gingivitis or Advanced Periodontal Disease: Gum disease can develop if plaque is left beneath the gums. This can damage tooth roots, the supporting bone, and all surrounding teeth. It can also lead to loose teeth and toothaches.

Bruxism or Tooth Grinding: Grinding your teeth throughout the day or during the nighttime hours will eventually wear them down. This will leave the sensitive inner layers of all affected teeth exposed. The result is building pressure and a toothache.

Tooth Impaction: When a tooth is impacted, it is fully or partially stuck inside of the gums and cannot fully erupt. This is frequently the case when there isn't sufficient space for the wisdom teeth to emerge. This can lead to tooth crowding, migrating teeth, and pain.

A reputable dentist Five Dock residents can rely on is always the best person to call when you have a toothache. A seasoned dentist can accurately identify the underlying cause of your tooth pain, and can help you learn more about your treatment options.

Get in touch with a dentist Five Dock locals can trust; Soothing Care Dental, by calling 02-8311-6699 with any questions or to schedule an appointment.