
3/3/2021: my old web host i was using for the web build broke, so i updated the browser link to a new place now. It's still build 11, and will be 14 when release is ready.

a lot has changed over the time and it'll take me quite a while to cover everything and rebuild this site properly. but for any recent information, you can visit the discord here https://discordapp.com/invite/QMH9xY6 our other projects are there too.

This website was keeping track of build 11 of sonic AGES. when i release build 14, this will get updated as well.

right now, i don't want to put time into updating this website until i finished with putting time for the update.


"Sonic AGES" is a fan made game meant to be distributed as freeware and is in no way related to Sega, Sonic the hedgehog is a Sega registered trademark.