But in Heroes, Chaos Control freezes time, in ShTH it both freezes time and warp space depending on the situation (stage/boss), in 06 it allows to freeze time and travel through time (we'll ignore that last part because time stones and 2006 sega stupidity), and in Generations it slows down time! It's like CC changes whenever it wants.

Chaos Control is an oxymoron, because Chaos is something that by definition can't be controlled. So what it ultimately amounts to is simply "controlling the uncontrollable", which could be anything up to outright reality control.

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Chaos Control can pretty much do anything, it uses Chaos Emeralds, which are pretty much the most powerful objects on the Sonic Universe, to bend the universe itself at the person's will, pretty much, Time Travel, Slow down time, teleportation, dimension travel, all of this is pretty much possible with Chaos Control, but to be fair, we don't really know the full extent of that power, since Shadow mostly uses it to slow down time or teleport, and that's it, even though we can see later that he already knew it could be used for time travel.

Chaos Control has always been described as warping Time and space. So with the Chaos Emeralds, you can teleport, freeze time, or completely rewrite the universe itself and create your own reality and timeline.

The Chaos in Chaos Control means controlling the energy within Chaos Emeralds I.E. Chaos energy (for lack of a better term). The Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald* are some of the most powerful things in the entire series and controlling the energy inside of them, even if it's just one or two, is something special. It's mainly used to alter time and space tho'.

Don't forget the most jarring power that was revealed late into the series - they can also be used to open portals in time that anyone can use freely for a limited time in Sonic 2006. I'd say something like "good thing the characters don't remember that" but it seems Shadow and Sonic are well aware of this possibility when they team up in the future Soleanna to collect the chaos emeralds to return to their own time.

Like everyone else has said, its basically just a plot device that the writers can do whatever with. Chaos Control ranges from simple teleports, stopping time itself, and outright time travel. The only description its been given is that "It allows the user to control time and space" but that's vague enough where it can literally do anything related to well, time or space.

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Chaos Control (, Kaosu Kontorru?) is a technique that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a chaos power that allows the user to warp time and space with the mystical Chaos Emeralds. While first introduced as a way to teleport over large distances, Chaos Control has since been evolved into an overall term for any supernatural reality manipulation conducted through the Chaos Emeralds, allowing incredible feats such as traversal through time and between dimensions, altering the fabric of reality, or freezing time.

Described as the "ultimate power",[1] Chaos Control is an ability that allows the user to manipulate or warp the fabric of space and time using a Chaos Emerald's energy,[2][3][4][5][6][7] and its effects can be molded into affecting reality in a multitude of manners. The power of Chaos Control is enhanced with each Chaos Emerald added to its usage, until reaching full power with all seven,[8] meaning that the more Emeralds that are used in the process, the greater is the extent that the user can warp space and time. Furthermore, because the power of the Chaos Emeralds can be harnessed without a physical connection to one of them, users only need to be within an unknown proximity to one to use Chaos Control.[9]

Chaos Control requires at least one Chaos Emerald nearby to draw power from,[2][3][4][5][6][7][10] and without one, Chaos Control is impossible,[11] with the exception of fake Emeralds with the same wavelength and properties as a real Chaos Emerald. A report for the Biolizard also stated that a specific organ was used by the creature to begin the process of Chaos Control.[12]

Chaos Control is foremost associated with its ability to manipulate space, which is usually used to create warps that teleport the user instantaneously from one place to another.[13] The user can also bring others with them when warping, or warp objects to other locations without going with them by firing Chaos Control as an energy ball, though varying amounts of energy is required depending on the extent of the warp. With all seven Chaos Emeralds, the user can perform Chaos Control to its full extent, which can teleport objects as large as the Space Colony ARK and the Black Comet from the earth's surface and into space. With just a couple of Chaos Emeralds, Chaos Control can even be used for interdimensional travel: Shadow could warp himself and Metal Sonic back to earth from the Chaotic Inferno with one Emerald, while Blaze could go to another dimension with two, and Black Doom could warp others into cyberspace.

As demonstrated by Dr. Eggman, Chaos Control's space-manipulating properties can also be used to reshape reality itself, which he demonstrated by splitting the earth into seven regions using Chaos Control.[14] Together with the time-manipulating properties of Chaos Control, the user can also create rifts in space and time, which can banish those who passes into them to the void. In battle, Chaos Control can also be used to distort space around limbs to increase the damage of their blows.

The second most common use of Chaos Control is its ability to manipulate time, though not to the same extent as the space-manipulation. It is most frequently used to either slow down time or stop it entirely, which in turn keeps other suspended without any means of breaking free. The users themselves are unaffected however.

Chaos Control can also be used for defense in combat, allowing the user to block attacks and heal damage.[15][16] For offense, this technique allows the user to create distortions in space in front of them to knock opponents away.[17][18][19]

The first use of Chaos Control was introduced in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. It was first used by Shadow to evade Sonic the Hedgehog when they first met and then to flee from the scene before G.U.N. arrived. When Prison Island was about to blow up, Shadow saved Rouge from being caught in the blast by using Chaos Control to teleport them both to safety. Sonic would later use Chaos Control almost subconsciously with a fake Chaos Emerald to teleport back to the Space Colony ARK when he was to be blown up in a capsule ejected from the ARK. When Sonic and Shadow later had their battle at Final Rush, the two would both use Chaos Control to gain up on one another. Then, when Sonic and Knuckles stopped the ARK's collision course with earth, the Biolizard used its own Chaos Control to teleport outside the ARK and merged with it, thus becoming Finalhazard, keep the ARK on course.[20] After defeating the Finalhazard, Super Sonic and Super Shadow used a combined Chaos Control that sent the ARK back into orbit.

Chaos Control also appears as Shadow's special attack in the games' two-player mode, where it is the equivalent of Sonic's Time Stop. When used, the colors on the opposing player's screen turn negative and a counter appears. This effect leaves the opponent completely immobilized, making it an ideal way for the user to gain the upper hand in a race. Chaos Control lasts for ten to twenty seconds, which is indicated by the counter, although the opposing player can reduce the remaining amount of time by rapidly pressing buttons. To use Chaos Control, the player must press // after collecting sixty Rings. To use it again, the player has to collect another sixty Rings. If Shadow has fallen into a bottomless pit with no rings, he will be given a free Chaos Control that lasts five seconds or more. If he is in his special suit, he will be able to use Chaos Control for every twenty Rings, but only for five seconds or more.

In Sonic Heroes, Chaos Control is part of Team Dark's Team Blast, Chaos Inferno. The move destroys every enemy in the direct vicinity, stops all objects in place and the clock for ten seconds. The player can end this effect by pressing the Team Blast button (White button//). In the final battle against Metal Overlord, the titanic robot may use Chaos Control (due to having copied Sonic's and Shadow's data) which lets him freeze time to prevent Team Sonic from moving or attacking and also stops the clock for nineteen seconds, but their Rings still drain away while Chaos Control is in effect.[21][22] 152ee80cbc

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