SonarQube doesn't want to know how ZipArchive is implemented. It is quite possible that, when adding a new item to a zip, the original Zip if first extracted exposing the issues above. Your are creating and using a (in memory, but that is not very relevant) zip archive in your own code, not using any external provided zip file so both are of no issue here if you trust the .Net implementation of the methods used.

we have some old projects in our sonarqube which we need to archive those projects for future reference. Is there any option available in Sonarqube community addition where we can archive the projects.

Sonarqube Archive Download

Download File 🔥 🔥

Of course, this still leaves the problem that a "Scripts" folder in another project wil also be excluded. The information provided here: may prove useful for that.

Perhaps we could be able to generate the sonarqube reports and upload them directly to the repository, is that possible? I know it is a shame we are not able to use CI/CD, but this is what it is sadly

To integrate SonarQube with Codemagic, we will need to set the SONAR_TOKEN, SONARQUBE_URL, and SONAR_PROJECT_KEY environment variables in the Codemagic UI, as shown below. Mark the environment variables as secure, and add the respective group (sonarqube) to the codemagic.yaml file.

When trying to execute the sequence jacocoTestReport and sonarqube on Bitrise, I end up with empty code coverage information on SonarQube. This is most certainly related to the following error I see in the logs:

This then means that the local developer experience and the sonarqube report should be a lot more in sync than having to maintain the server processing, and means it easier to run multiple project on the one server with disparate rule sets.

WARNING: check for duplicate rule names, there is some (I forgot which ones sorry) and they prevent the sonarqube server from starting and you will need to edit the SQL database to fix it.

Then browse to your rule set and active the rules into it. I recommend just creating a single rule set and put everything in it, like i said you can control the rules from your tslint run, and just add all rules to all projects on the sonarqube server side.

On Windows, navigate into the parent directory containing the `StartSonar.bat` file. This can be done by navigating to the unzipped folder ('sonarqube') and into the bin and windows-x86-xx folder as:

Hi ,

I have installed sonarqube server(7.4) on azure centos 64 bit machine with POSTGRESQL database connection. Sonar Service is running with Elasticsearch and also in web logs i am able to see the web server is operational. With tcp port 9002 i could see the sonar service is up.

But the problem is , when i tried to connect with my DNS or public ip address like _ip:9002 or :9002 the sonar instance through web browser is not coming.

How can i access my sonar instance through public ip or dns on azure centos machine with POSTGRESQL database.

SonarQube exposes a search server, which can be monitored using an additional instance of this integration and a configuration of the JMX metrics. To learn how to customize the metrics to collect, see the JMX Checks documentation for more detailed instructions. For an example, use the config below and default JMX metric config in sonarqube.d/metrics.yaml.

Add the following configuration block to your sonarqube.d/conf.yaml file. Change the path and service parameter values based on your environment. See the sample sonarqube.d/conf.yaml for all available configuration options.

Although running the scanner with Docker is easy and does not require any additional setup it might also be pretty slow. For faster local scanning and better developer expierience you may consider downloading Sonar Scanner package (zip archive) and launch it directly. There are different versions with bundled JVM for Linux, Windows and macOS. There is also OS independent version that requires you to have JVM pre-installed. I personally preffer the last option.

sonarqube-scanner is an npm module that can be can used to scan a project without the need of manual installation of the scanner. It downloads (and caches) the Sonar Scanner and executes it directly with some configuration defaults.

The sonarqube::plugin defined type can be used to install SonarQube plugins. Plugins are available from many different sources, so this module supports multiple download sources as well. It will also purge old plugin versions.

The next step consists of configuring SonarQube to start analyzing projects. To do so, you need to have git and the sonarqube-scanner client installed and configured, as well as a code repository to scan on hand.

In my particular case, I use a dedicated Jenkins server to monitor a specific repository, and when there are commits to a development branch, Jenkins checks out that branch from Git, runs some PHP code analysis tools on the codebase using Phing, archives the code and other assets in a .tar.gz file, then deploys the code to a development server and runs some drush commands to complete the deployment.

If everything is configured correctly, you can now click 'Build Now', and prepare to be dazzled! After a few minutes (depending on the speed of your connection), Jenkins will clone the Drupal git repository, run some analysis on the code through Phing, archive the codebase, and send the analysis results off to SonarQube.

Interesting article. I am curious about the scripts to deploy the build to the servers. Like make a backup of the running site (I think drush archive-dump), extract the code, replace simlinks or so.

Any change you can give some insight in this process?

The SonarQube URL is :9000 because by default Docker Compose allows any service to call any other service in the same network.You do this by using the service name as the hostname in the request URL, as defined in docker-compose.yml.This is why we use a host of sonarqube.

Create another pipeline in the same way, but name it sonarqube-bad-code.The pipeline script is almost exactly the same, except this time we need to check out the bad-code branch of the same repository.

To be able to publish results to SonarQube a token system isnecessary for the authentication. Log in to with your Inria LDAPcredential and create a personal token (save it in your home forexample in $HOME/.sonarqubetoken)

On Windows, download the appropriate archive, extract the archiveand add its sub-directory "/bin" in the PATH environment variable(Start Menu -> Right clic on Computer -> Properties -> Advancedsystem settings -> Environment Variables -> Path -> Edit).

Note. The SonarScanner download page also contains helpful guidance on configuring the project ( file), on running SonarScanner from the zip archive or from Docker image, on possible alternatives to using the file and other information.

This website is an archive of the documentation of the SONAR project (2018-2020). All further details and up-to-date info about the SONAR service can be found on the dedicated page on the RERO+ website.

The Swiss Open Access Repository is an archive of scholarly publications. It collects and promotes open access publications by authors affiliated with Swiss public research institutions. It does so by aggregating content and metadata from international sources as well as from institutional repositories (IR) of Swiss Higher Education Institutions (HEI).

Successful Zip Bomb attacks occur when an application expands untrusted archive files without controlling the size of the expanded data, which canlead to denial of service. A Zip bomb is usually a malicious archive file of a few kilobytes of compressed data but turned into gigabytes ofuncompressed data. To achieve this extreme compression ratio, attackers willcompress irrelevant data (eg: a long string of repeated bytes).

Do not rely on getsize to retrieve the size of anuncompressed entry because this method returns what is defined in the archive headers which can be forged by attackers, instead calculate the actualentry size when unzipping it: 2351a5e196

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