Someindustries Internal Branding Guidelines

Someindustries personally provides branding guidelines to you, our loyal employee. Unless you're not an employee, in which case GET OFF THE BUSINESS PORTAL. Anyways, please use them to make sure the facade remains intact. If asked, you know nothing about the money laundering allegations.

Digital version:

Someindustries Internal Branding Guidelines March 2024.pdf

Paper version provided for your convenience.

Special version of the branding guidelines suited for paper. If you want a paper copy of the branding guidelines, please print this one. If you use a Someindustries printer to print the digital one above, you will be personally exterminated.

This document is best printed in color.

Someindustries Internal Branding Guidelines March 2024 (Paper)-1.pdf

No one is perfect, especially not you, so mistakes are inevitable. This is America, land of the home, free of the brave, why can't Someindustries make mistakes? Known mistakes in the current documents include:

These issues will hopefully be resolved eventually.