Sapo (-onis, m.)[1] in chemia est sal acidus adipatus.[2] Sapones ad superficies et manus lavandas, ad balnea etc. adhibentur. Etiam in textilibus fabricandis expediunt ad lubricandum ut elementa momentaria.

Sapo ad purgandum a processu oleis animalis vel aristidis cum solutione alkalina saepe lixiva saepe obtinetur. Unguentes et olea ex triglyceridis[3] constant: tribus moleculis adipatuum acidorum et singula molecula glycerina.[4]

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Prodest et sapo, Galliarum hoc inventum rutilandis capillis. Fit ex sebo et cinere, optimus fagino et caprino, duobus modis, spissus ac liquidus, uterque apud Germanos maiore in usu viris quam feminis.[5]

The object of Perus sapo game is to choke the frog. Before you get excited about animal cruelty, the word sapo, which is Spanish for frog or toad, is the center piece of one of the centuries old games played in Peru.

Hubby points out it was he who pleaded, or demanded, depending on who is remembering the event, that we stop to sample the fermented corn brew and thus our cycling crew discovered the Peruvian frog game of sapo.

As time passed the game is believed to have been brought to Spain by the Spanish conquistadors and subsequently spread all over Europe, albeit adopting different names in its travels. a frog travelling game if you will.

The thought of carrying any more weight by bike or in our luggage lead me to private head shaking at the DIY sapo game purchase. Frankly the thought of returning home and then figuring out how to build a sapo box was not my idea of creating fond memories of Peru.

Hi we played there as well and have regretted not buying the parts to make the game while we were there. The corn beer was not for me but the kids loved playing the game. We would love to introduce this game to our fellow Australians

A cool game. I havent seen it here in Spain but maybe I havent been to the right places.(or bars) I love the history of these things. So great your travelling buddy now has one at his home, a great conversation piece at a party to be sure.

Sylvia just to be a bit clearer he took the metal pieces home as a souvenir and the built the game in his backyard. I do love the history behind the game. I wonder if Monopoly could has that kind of legend. ?

Sylvia I shall wave my magic wand and you will appear at my door, or I at yours for that matter. A cup of tea and a big hug in person. While I work on that now I am sending positive energy your way. xo

I agree that Jim should likely go into business building Sapo games in North America! Thanks for the kind words about the photos. Lake Titicaca was incredible. The corn beer not my taste but others quite enjoyed it.

Carrie I am always so happy when at least one reader gets my jokes! Thank you for the reassurance! ?

 A totem pole you say? Well now that would be quite the carry on item!

 Apparently I am clueless about games as this is the second time this morning I have to admit I have not heard of a game mentioned. What is Skeeball?

This is one of the many great parts to pedaling around the Peruvian back roads. I enjoyed learning and seeing the Sapo game, Sue. I spent sev. wks. in Peru and although the fermented beer stands were everywhere, I never saw this interesting game. How very fun! ?

I got talked into being on a bowling league once, and I feel quite certain that those who pleaded with me to join wished they could plead with me to leave. I am thinking that my Sapo skills would rank up there with yours Sue.

Jeff to be fair it was just the metal pieces, not as though he had the wood slats strapped to his back, although that would have been photo worthy. I will have to ask if he took up brewing corn beer. ?

What fun! I wonder if some of the games in arcades that involve rolling or flicking coins trying to get them into various holes got their idea from this! I love that Jim has his own, he can hold Sapo Frog parties now.

I agree Lia that I think Jim is brilliant for thinking to buy the metal pieces while we were there. Then the construction at home looks like a perfect match. I have Sapo envy to be sure.

 Now i have often seen Italian men playing cards when we have been in Italy but i had no idea the cards were different! You have certainly taught me something Lia.

 As always we so appreciate your enthusiastic and thoughtful comments. Like getting a hug all the way from NYC.

I played this game in the hills above Villa de Leyva in Colombia and my friends and I want to build one this summer. They are currently in Peru and want to buy a frog for the project. Any idea where your friend got the Sapo kit? They travel all over Peru. Thank you for your post.

Oh that sounds like great fun. I can send our friend an email but it was at a little bar that had the game in the courtyard. It seemed like the oddest place to be able to buy a kit. Of course all of the wood he used was purchased back in North America. I will send him an email to see if he remembers the location we were at the time.

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Agua de sapo has its origins on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica and combines the tapa de dulce (known in other parts of Latin America as piloncillo) with ginger, a flavor brought in to Costa Rica by Jamaican railroad workers during the time of the railroad construction in the late 1800s. 152ee80cbc

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