Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of SoIBio and 10th Anniversary of the Master in Bioinformatics Uruguay (2009 - 2019)

Conference Program:


Conference Book


Poster Numeration:

Even Numbered Abstracts: Monday 28th

Odd Numbered Abstracts: Tuesday 29th


The Iberoamerican Society of Bioinformatics (SoIBio) is an international scientific society, founded in 2009 to connect several collaborative projects of various research groups from Iberoamerica working in the emerging field of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. SoIBio aims to promote research and development in the field of bioinformatics. Therefore, individuals, national societies or groups going to work in this field will be supported both academically and professionally. It is a platform to foster interaction and collaboration with other international societies and networks that work in the same field.

X International Conference on Bioinformatics - Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of SoIBio and 10th Anniversary of the Master in Bioinformatics Uruguay. Montevideo - 28th - 30th October

The Master degree in Bioinformatics was created ten years ago by the Universidad de la República (Uruguayan public university) and the Programa de Desarrollo de Ciencias Básicas (PEDECIBA - Program for the Development of Basic Sciences). It is a multidisciplinary and multicentric career with more than 100 active students and more than 20 graduates. Its aim is to stimulate synergic research activities between diverse areas such as Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Informatics in Uruguay and in the Region. Besides, the initiative seeks to promote an emerging bioinformatics identity in the country, incorporating students and academics into the field. In October 2019, both the SOIBIO and the Master’s in Bioinformatics will celebrate in a joint meeting to commemorate our existence.

Keynote Speakers

Christophe Chipot, PhD

Laboratoire International Associé National de la Recherche Scientifique

University of Illinois, USA

Massimo Delledonne, PhD

Department of Biotechnology

Universita' degli Studi di Verona, Italy

Wojciech Makaloski, PhD

Institute of Bioinformatics

University of Münster, Germany

Invited Speakers

Federico Hoffmann, PhD

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology and Plant Pathology
Mississippi State University, MSU, USA

Ana Tereza Vasconcelos, PhD

Lab. Nacional de Computação Científica

Helder Takashi Imoto Nakaya, PhD

Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Gian Pietro Miscione, PhD

Department of Chemistry
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Elizabeth Tapia, PhD

Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas

Emiliano Pereira​, PhD

Facultad de Ciencias, UdelaR

Julio Sambrano, PhD

Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil

Miguel Ponce de León, PhD

Life Sciences GroupBarcelona
Supercomputing Center, Spain

Margot Paulino, PhD

Centro de Bioinformática EstructuralDETEMA
Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Raul Cachau, PhD

Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

Meeting Topics (MT)

MT1. Functional Genomics and Proteomics

MT2. Metagenomics and Microbial-Genomics

MT3. Medical Omics and Disease Data Analysis

MT4. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Training and Education Master in Bioinformatics

MT5. Structural Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering

MT6. Structure Based Drug Design

MT7. Networks and Functional Enrichment: Relational Bioinformatics

MT8. System Biology: Modeling and Reconstruction

MT9. Algorithms and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics

MT10. Transcriptomics and genome regulation long non coding RNA


1) Transcriptomics, RNA Seq and data analysis (31th October)

2) Network Biology (31th October)

3) Convergence and integration of Genomics and Structural Bioinformatics context (1st November)

4) Machine Learning in Biology (1st November)

Network Biology workshop funded by

Workshops programme information will be provided soon

Transcriptomics Workshop Programme

Network Biology Workshop Programme

Machine Learning in Biology Workshop Programme

Workshop - Machine learning in biology.pdf
Convergence and integration of Genomics and Structural Bioinformatics context (1st November).pdf

Special Issue of Biomolecules Journal

Anyone who wants to propose an ARTICLE for the special issue of Biomolecules, must first send an ABSTRACT to soibiosec@fq.edu.uy

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

ALL registered participants in the #SoIBio+10 Conference (28–30 October 2019, Montevideo, UR) can propose publishing a full research PAPER to a Special Issue of Biomolecules.

A selection of about 12 full articles will be done to be published in the journal Biomolecules (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules), in the Special Issue called "Bioinformatics for Precision Biomolecular Data Mining: Progress in Latin America - Selected Papers from the X International Conference on Bioinformatics #SoIBio+10". This special issue will be included in the section of this Journal: "Bioinformatics and Systems Biology".

PLEASE, SUBMIT your PAPER according to the following conditions and dates:

  1. Open till mid October. ARTICLE PROPOSAL — Before going to the full submission, the authors should send to this address (jrivas@usal.es or tapia@cifasis-conicet.gov.ar) a simple draft PROPOSING an ARTICLE in a .DOC file with a maximum 3 pages including: TITLE, AUTHORS, ABSTRACT [max. 400 words], RESULTS brief description [max. 1000 words], Statement of MAIN CONTRIBUTION [100 words], some REFERENCES. This PROPOSAL should be correlated with a communication that the authors also had sent to #SoIBio+10 Conference (https://sites.google.com/view/soibio19/).
  2. From 30 September to 30 October. FULL PAPER SUBMISSION in the website of the Journal — Time for the authors for preparation and submission of the FULL PAPER following the regular format asked by Biomolecules (see Instructions for Authors - Submission Guidelines)
  3. From 31 October to 10 December. PEER REVIEW — Time for full review of each submitted article by at least two independent reviewers. The revision of the papers will be managed by the Special Editors assigned to this Biomolecules Special Issue. At the end of this process, the Editors will indicate to the authors which are the final ACCEPTED ARTICLES. (Written reviews and answers will be needed along all this process).
  4. From 11 December to 31 December. SUBMISSION FOR PUBLICATION — Submission of the final article, revised and corrected. The manuscripts should be prepared for publication following Biomolecules Special Issue Submission Guidelines. Once received by the journal, the editorial office from Biomolecules will get the final edition and publication on-line as soon as it is finalized. AT THIS POINT (i.e. in December 2019), the authors of each article (or their institutions) should pay to Biomolecules the "Article-Processing Charges" (APC) that will be: 960 CHF (corresponding to about 970 USD) This price represents a 20% reduction on the normal price of an article in Biomolecules. Biomolecules MDPI editorial office will provide a formal INVOICE to the authors of each accepted article.

All communication about proposals and articles should be made to this mail:

The EDITORS of this Biomolecules Special Issue will be:

- Professor Dr. Javier De Las Rivas (jrivas@usal.es) (University of Salamanca/CSIC, Spain)

- Professor Dra. Elizabeth Tapia (tapia@cifasis-conicet.gov.ar) (University of Rosario/CONICET, Argentina)

BIOMOLECULES (ISSN 2218-273X; CODEN: BIOMHC) is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal on biogenic substances (including but not limiting to proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, membranes, lipids, metabolites, etc) published monthly online by MDPI. The Journal has an Impact Factor: 4.694 (2018), and a Ranking 33/407 (Q1) in 'Biochemistry' and 44/375 (Q1) in 'Molecular Biology'. SEE: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules

Communications KEY DATES

Before 30th SEPTEMBER: Asking for ORAL and/or FULL PAPER


Registration FEES

Poster dimensions: 120 cm length x 80 cm width

Abstract Submission

(Max 250-300 words)

Send in pdf format your abstract to soibiosec@fq.edu.uy

Save it as: surname_name.pdf

Students of Master in Bioinformatics PEDECIBA-UdelaR

Free registration!!!

Chilean and Uruguayan students: #SoIBio+10 offers 20 waivers of the registration free:

Send your abstract and motivation letter ensuring your poster participation

The CALL for CABANA TRAVEL FELLOWSHIPS to participate in the X International Conference on Bioinformatics #SoIBio+10, is now open!!!

SEE all these websites and please communicate to as many people as you can:



The APPLICATION should be done in the CABANA website following the instructions.


  • Registration payment:
  • Academic/Professional ISCB/SoIBio members: Registration payment (Early: 210 USD)
  • Workshops:

*En Uruguay: se pueden realizar depósitos en cuenta corriente BROU en dólares americanos Nº 001562480-00002. eBROU, redpagos, abitab o en cualquier cajero automático de RedBROU.


ANFITEATRO JOSÉ LUIS MASSERA - Edificio Polifuncional Anexo de la FACULTAD de INGENIERÍA - Universidad de la República - Montevideo - Uruguay

Senda Nelson Landoni 631 Esq. Av. Julio Herrera y Reissig, 11200 Montevideo

Scientific Program Chairs

Javier de Las Rivas, PhD

Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of Cancer
Universidad de Salamanca-CSICSpain

Margot Paulino, PhD

Centro de Bioinformática EstructuralDETEMA
Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Fernando Álvarez, PhD

Sección Biomatemática
Facultad de Ciencias, UdelaRUruguay

SoIBio History

2009 Puerto Morelos, Mexico ("Fundación de SoIBio", joint with EMBnet)

(October 26-29, 2009)

2010 Termas de Chillán, Chile (IC organized by SoIBio http://www.soibio.org/en/node/60) 1st

(September 26-28, 2010)

2011 Florianopolis, Brazil (http://www.soibio.org/en/X-Meeting2011) 2nd

(October 12-15, 2011)

2012 Santiago, Chile (joint conference with ISCB-LA 2012) 3rd

(March 17-21, 2012)

2013 Rosario, Argentina (http://www.soibio.org/es/node/209) 4th

(October 29-31, 2013)

2014 Belo Horizonte, Brazil (joint conference with ISCB-LA 2014) 5th

(October 28-30, 2014)

2016 Riviera Maya, México (IC fully organized by SoIBio) (delayed from 2015) 6th

(April 22-26, 2016)

2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina (ISCB-LA 2016 , we will help & collaborate) 7th

(November 21-23, 2016)

2017 Cali, Colombia (13-15.September.2017) IC-SoIBio 8th

(September 13-15, 2017)

2018 Viña del Mar, Chile (ISCB-LA SoIBio EBMnet joint conference 2018) 9th

(November 5-9, 2018)

Steering Committee

Elizabeth Tapia, PhD

Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas

César Bonavides, PhD

Centro de Ciencias Genómicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)Mexico

Fernando González-Nilo, PhD

Center for Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology
Universida Andrés BelloChile

Ana Tereza Vasconcelo, PhD

Lab. Nacional de Computação Científica

Mauricio Vega, PhD

Centro de Bioinformática Estructural
Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Oscar Ventura, PhD

Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry Group
Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Martina Kieninger, PhD

Departamento de Experimentación y Teoría de la Estructura de la Materia y sus Aplicaciones
Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Lucía Spangenberg, PhD

Bioinformatics Unit
Institut Pasteur de MontevideoUruguay

Kenneth Irving, Lic. Q.

Unidad Académica de Informática Química
Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Pablo Smircich, PhD

Departamento de Genómica
Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente EstableUruguay

Florencia Klein, PhD Student

Biomolecular Simulations Group
Institut Pasteur de MontevideoUruguay

Martín Soñora, PhD Student

Biomolecular Simulations Group
Institut Pasteur de MontevideoUruguay

Antonella Alba López, B.Sc. Student

Centro de Bioinformática EstructuralDETEMAFacultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Workshop Crew

Lucía Spangenber, PhD

Bioinformatics UnitInstitut Pasteur de MontevideoUruguay

Martina Kieninger, PhD

Departamento de Experimentación y Teoría de la Estructura de la Materia y sus AplicacionesFacultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Margot Paulino, PhD

Centro de Bioinformática EstructuralDETEMAFacultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Florencia Klein, PhD Student

Biomolecular Simulations GroupInstitut Pasteur de MontevideoUruguay

Andrés Camilo Ballesteros, PhD Student

Centro de Bioinformática Estructural Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Jorge Cantero, PhD

Centro de Bioinformática Estructural Facultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Mauricio Vega, PhD

Centro de Bioinformática EstructuralFacultad de Química, UdelaRUruguay

Flavio Pazos

MSc. in Bioinformatics - PhD student

Departamento de Biología del NeurodesarrolloInstituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente EstableUruguay

Martín Palazzo

Insituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires (asociado a Max Planck), Argentina.

Pablo Soto

Departamento de Biología del Neurodesarrollo, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, Uruguay & Tryolabs, Uruguay.

Martín Soñora, PhD Student

Biomolecular Simulations GroupInstitut Pasteur de MontevideoUruguay

Academic Committee

Héctor Cancela

Engineering Fac, UdelaR

Enrique Lessa

Science Fac., UdelaR

Álvaro Mombrú

Vice Chancellor UdelaR

Héctor Musto

Science Fac., UdelaR

Sergio Pantano

Institut Pasteur de Montevideo

Rafael Radi

Medicine Fac., UdelaR

Héctor Romero

Science Fac., UdelaR

María Simón

Engineering Fac., UdelaR

María Torre

Chemistry Fac, UdelaR

SoIBio 2020


26th-30th OCTOBER 2020


Any questions?
