Dr. Bhaskar Sen Gupta
Dr. Bhaskar Sen Gupta
Department of PhysicsSchool of Advanced SciencesVellore Institute of TechnologyVellore, Tamil NaduIndia 632014Email: bhaskar.sengupta@vit.ac.in
Research Interests
Research Interests
Soft condensed matter physics, Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, Computer simulations, Supercooled liquids, Glass transition, Mechanical properties of amorphous solids, Porous glass , Kinetics of Phase separation
Metallic Glass
Porous Glass
Phase Separation
Latest publications:
Latest publications:
Kinetics of Vapor-Liquid and Vapor-Solid Phase Separation Under GravityDaniya Davis and B. Sen Gupta (2025)Soft Matter
Kinetics of vapor-liquid transition of active matter system under quasi one-dimensional confinementParameshwaran A and Bhaskar Sen Gupta (2025)Accepted in Phys. Rev. EarXiv
Phase separation and rheology of segregating binary fluid under shearDaniya Davis, Parameshwaran A and Bhaskar Sen Gupta (2025)arXiv2024
Effect of annealed disorder on the plasticity of amorphous solidsMeenakshi L. and B. Sen Gupta (2024)Submitted to Phys. Rev. EarXiv
Effect of Oscillatory Pure Shear on the Structural Transformation and Pore Size Redistribution of Athermal Porous GlassesS. Niyogi and B. Sen Gupta (2024)Journal of Statistical Physics
Phase Separation Kinetics of Segregating Fluid Mixtures in the Presence of Quenched DisorderR. Bhattacharyya and B. Sen Gupta (2024)Soft Matter
Elastoplastic modelling of sheared colloidal glasses using Eshelby inclusionsSagar Malik, Meenakshi L., Atharva Pandit, Antina Ghosh, Peter Schall, Bhaskar Sen Gupta and Vijayakumar Chikkadi (2024)Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.arXiv
Shear Induced Fluidization Of Thermal Amorphous SolidsS. Kumar R and B. Sen Gupta (2023), Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications2023
Surface directed spinodal decomposition of fluids confined in cylindrical poreDaniya Davis and B. Sen Gupta (2023)Phys. Rev. E
Phase separation and aging dynamics of binary liquid in porous mediaR. Bhattacharyya and B. Sen Gupta (2022)Europhysics Letters
Characteristics and Correlations of Nonaffine Particle Displacements in the Plastic Deformation of Athermal Amorphous MaterialsMeenakshi L. and B. Sen Gupta (2022)Soft Matter
Effect of Annealed Disorder on Phase Separation Kinetics and Aging Phenomena in Fluid Mixtures R. Bhattacharyya and B. Sen Gupta (2021)Phys. Rev. E
Mechanical Properties and Pore Size Distribution in Athermal Shear-Strained Porous GlassesS. Niyogi and B. Sen Gupta (2021)Soft Matter
Universality of Plastic Instability and Mechanical Yield in Metallic GlassesS. Kumar and B. Sen Gupta (2021)J. Phys.: Condens. Matter