Part 4: Eco-Responsible Living
During Mobility


Adopt an eco-responsible lifestyle during mobility

Encourage accommodation providers to adopt sustainable practices

Adopting an eco-responsible lifestyle during mobility is crucial to minimize your ecological footprint and encourage accommodation providers to adopt sustainable practices. This involves responsible consumption, choosing sustainable accommodation and adopting eco-responsible daily practices. 

Responsible consumption plays a key role: choosing local, seasonal and organic products, reducing food waste by planning meals and storing food correctly, and favouring products with little packaging. For example, opting for local food not only supports the local economy but also reduces the carbon emissions associated with transportation.

For accommodation, opting for certified eco-responsible structures or adopting sustainable practices (such as reducing water and energy consumption, recycling, and using eco-friendly cleaning products) helps to reduce environmental impact. In Europe, the EU Eco-label certifies accommodation that meets high environmental standards, helping travellers to make sustainable choices.

Sustainable everyday practices can significantly reduce environmental impact. Simple actions such as limiting the use of single-use plastics, saving energy by switching off lights and appliances when not in use, and using sustainable transport options such as cycling, walking or public transport can make a big difference. For example, the Erasmus+ programme encourages participants to adopt sustainable travel habits and engage in green activities during their mobility.

Tools such as ecological footprint calculators can help individuals to assess and reduce their environmental impact. By setting personal sustainability goals and continually seeking out new eco-responsible practices, individuals can contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Encouraging and raising awareness of sustainable practices among peers can have a multiplier effect, amplifying the positive impact on the environment. Sharing knowledge, participating in local environmental initiatives and advocating sustainable practices can inspire others to follow suit.

Don't hesitate to activate the subtitles in your language to watch the videos.

Sustainable Shopping (Making Eco Conscious Choices) - Eco Bravo (6 min)

12 Eco friendly Habits for a More Sustainable Life - EcoMastery Project (13 min)

How a Climate-Neutral Hotel Works – What is it Like to Stay here? | Eco Tourism in Germany - DW Travel (8 min)

The Ecological Footprint Explained - Moovly (1 min)

How to reduce your environmental footprint - WWF (5 min)