SoFo Gallery

art & writing from South 40 Pier

Spring 2022

Sunset at Rodeo Beach

by Dennis Bayer

Feeding Net

by Michael Konrad

by Louise Simpson

by Peter Van Dine

by Ken Spurr

Winter 2021

Channel Sunrise

by Dennis Bayer


by Susan Neri

Baby Tunicate

by Michael Konrad

Paper Moon

by Peter Van Dine


by Ken Spurr

Fall 2021

Schoonmaker Dock Tunicates

by Michael Konrad

Bird Spikes? What Are Bird Spikes?

by Dennis Bayer


by Peter Van Dine

Mom and Pup

by Ken Spurr

Preview of Last Voyage of the Redlegs

by Joe Tate

This month I am sharing a couple chapters from my unpublished book, “Last Voyage Of The Redlegs."

Click on the link and you’ll find two chapters that are downloadable PDFs. They are “Lost World Of Innocence ,” and “Exile.” It takes little time to download and there’s a blank page at the beginning of Lost World.

I would love to hear your feedback.

After the Symphony

a SoFo Exquisite Corpse collective ekphrastic poem

What is the sound of one hand clapping

It moved it seemed

it left but left no prints

Something happened here

She heard them,

they didn’t think she had but they were wrong

What is the sound of one laborer clapping

Restless glove syndrome

Ooops. Lost. Contact me.

What is the sound of one glove missing?

July 2021

Beyaz Dreams

by Susan Neri

Family road trip, circa late 60s

Troubled Times

by Joe Tate

I originally wrote this song to lament the Houseboat Wars.

I rewrote it about 2008 to reflect the mass repossessions

that were happening then. In either event, it reflects the

fear some of us have of being kicked around by giant


Bodega Wave

by Ken Spurr

A Floating Home or Floating Home

by Peter Van Dine

Cleaning the Eelgrass

by Michael Konrad


by Neil Thomson

From "The Houseboat Series"

Two Brown Pelicans Coming In For A Landing

by Dennis Bayer

June 2021

South 40 Tightrope

by Dennis Bayer

I shot this in the late seventies or very early 80s.

It was near the shore on the old South 40 Pier.

The tightrope walker is Noel Faulkner who owned the houseboat that Jim Hammond is living in now.

I believe he moved to New York from here.

He is living in London now.

9 suns - Kristina

Nine Suns

by Kristina Academia


by Peter Van Dine

835F8F69-4CB3-4737-BD4D-C526A00D8726 - j brubaker.MP4

What is Art?

by Joe Brubaker in collaboration with Dillon Froelich

Prenses Kiko

by Susan Neri

Egret I Like

by Ken Spurr

Salty Chic #14

by Miek Boltjes

End Of An Error

by Joe Tate

This is a new video I have created with The Hippie Voices and the ‘Nother Brothers.

Arranged by Peppe Merolla, it may be my final message to mankind.

May 2021

Salty Chic #8

by Miek Boltjes

Air Mail

by Peter Van Dine

Night Heron

by Dennis Bayer


by Ken Spurr

Poetic License

by Neil Weinstein

by Stephen Ehret

On display in the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art from May 29th till August 1st

as part of SUPERCOLLIDER's exhibit "Atmospheres Deep".

Mary Moffett

by Joe Tate

This is video from an an old Redlegs party at the Charles Van Damme, aka, The Ark.

Mary Moffett is a fictitious name for a person I knew at the Gates long ago.

Night on the Hill

by Eric Holter

April 2021

Two Pelicans at Sunset

by Dennis Bayer

Salty Chic #12

by Miek Boltjes

Darkness at Noon 2020.09.08

by Peter Van Dine

The Writing Laid Down Like Steps of Stone

Published by Riddled with Arrows

The Road Not Taken

by Eric Holter

by Joan Sheehan

I built this dollhouse during the pandemic out of boredom but it was something I've always wanted to do since seeing The Queen's Dollhouse at Windsor many years ago. I realized dollhouses need not just be for children. It is a great hobby and with the internet, one has access to an unlimited number of artisans. My house is truly international! The house itself is British, but also included are pieces from China, Russia, Poland, Spain, Germany and the US. The architecture is Georgian and has 10 rooms on four floors.

Caspian Tern

by Ken Spurr

The Ballad Of The Richmond

by Joe Tate

This song recounts how I took an old tugboat, rigged her for sail and voyaged

to distant lands, islands and returned safely home to my beloved Sausalito.

March 2021

South 40 Seal

by Ken Spurr

Tide Pool

by Flo Hoylman

Waldo Point History

Photo by Gigi Sims (née Carroll), caption by Maureen Orth, early 1970s

Pilings & Pots

by Peter Van Dine

Salty Chic #7

by Miek Boltjes

Free Verse Departure

Poets bring nothing to the party.

They don't even ask.

They show up on time or late.

They get lost.

They say they're coming but don't.

They arrive in time for food,

stand in a corner and drink.

Never take off their coat.

Then strip to a t-shirt

and talk about Bird, things

you've never heard as Parker

plays on your Alexa.

Sometimes poetry breaks out.

Someone picks up a guitar.

There's action on the roof.

Shy cats come out of hiding.

An enormous radish is carved into art.

Memory floats up from an afternoon

in Oaxaca, 1984 ~

The houseboat rises, warms.

Everyone leaves all at once in

a free verse departure.

Sink full of dishes.

Someone leaves a hat.

The night itself becomes a poem.

And guess what?

That's what the poets brought.

Nova Nights

by Guy Biederman

Cover art by Arthur Johnstone

Hear the hearts beat?

by Michael Konrad


by Joe Tate

SoFo Rainbows

by Dennis Bayer

February 2021

Anna's Hummingbird

by Dennis Bayer

White Heron

by Susan Neri

Girl From Gate 5 - Joe Tate.mp4

Girl from Gate 5

by Joe Tate

Bird's Eye

by Ken Spurr

Salty Chic #2

by Miek Boltjes

In-camera double exposure; Dec 18th 2020. Part of the series "Salty Chic", my ode to Sausalito's waterfront: the magic of the symbiosis of salty and chic.

Looking Up

by Peter Van Dine

Anemone and Neighbors

by Michael Konrad

Short Walk on a Long Pier

by Guy Biederman

Published by The Sea Letter

Floating in the shadows of the ferry where a famous master once zenned, lived a sippy monk on a tippy barge called The China Sea. Each morning he walked the planks with a satisfied shrug, then untied koans of kelpy line until noon. At lunch he played chess with the seagulls on a skiff, and when high tide arrived, he paddled to the No Name for beer and read Li Po until 2. No books were written about him. No one came to his door. But his elegant wisdom glittered like sea glass on the ocean floor. Lifting a conch shell to his ear, he heard the whisper of the universe. Placing the shell to his lips, he answered its call.

January 2021

Egret Strut

by Dennis Bayer

Skyline at Sunrise

by Ken Spurr

tape measure.pdf

Art by Susan Neri

Wheelie Guru

by Eric Holter


by Guy Biederman