According to the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 151), Laws of Hong Kong, any organization established in Hong Kong may register as a society under the Societies Ordinance, except those that have been registered under other Ordinances. An organization, depending on its object, nature and operation, may decide to register under any appropriate ordinance. For queries on a specific association, advice may be sought from a legal advisor.

Any association which intends to apply for registration as a society or exemption from registration under the Societies Ordinance shall submit to the Police Licensing Office within one month of its establishment an application form together with supporting documents including:

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A society can apply for exemption from registration if it is established solely for religious, charitable, social or recreational purposes or as a rural committee or a federation or other associations of rural committees. However, the application process and legal obligation of a registered society and an exempted society are the same.

The application for registration of societies must be signed by three office-bearers. The particulars of office-bearers must be completed in full, signed and to be returned to the Societies Office of Police Licensing Office with copies of their HKID cards or other valid identity documents if they are not holders of HKID cards. Office-bearers are required to provide their individual correspondence addresses which are different from the society address and telephone numbers for record and contact purposes. Office-bearers are required to provide their respective telephone number and correspondence addresses in Hong Kong (unless his/ her address has been used as the principal place of business of the society). Addresses can be either residential or business addresses in Hong Kong.

The performance pledge is normally 12 working days provided that sufficient information is submitted for the application. However, if insufficient information is provided for the application for societies registration or exemption from registration, the time may be longer and this office may return the original application forms to the applicants and request re-submission of supplementary information/document together with the original application forms.

The Societies Ordinance does not restrict the operation of a registered society / exempted society. For queries about tax affairs, please contact the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department directly on 187 8088 or visiting their website at

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For replacement of a lost Certificate of Registration of a Society or Certificate of Exemption from Registration of a Society, the Chairman of the society shall write to the Police Licensing Office and submit a loss report issued by any police station by mail.

This in-depth program consists of pre-recorded presentations and optional live Q&A sessions provided in July. Students who complete the course and the pre- post-session surveys will receive a certificate of participation.

*Beginning 1 January 2024 the registration fee will increase to USD 865. This coincides with the release of the 2024 Certificate in ESG Investing that will include an updated curriculum with new case studies, additional practice questions, and a second mock exam.

Hong Kong SAR Government Funding Scheme: The CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing is one of the Eligible Programs under the Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme (Program Identification Code: GTP-287225). Upon successful completion of the certificate, eligible applicants can apply for a subsidy of up to 80% of the exam registration fees, where full-time students can claim up to 100% reimbursement.

The certificate and learning materials were developed by leading practitioners for practitioners and have received recognition from the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). PRI is an independent body that seeks to encourage investors to use responsible investment to enhance returns and better manage business risks.

Reviewing your APS membership status before registering for an APS event, collecting the information you need to register, and knowing your registration type in advance will ensure APS can process your registration smoothly.

You will need to email the Registration Help Desk to complete your registration. Please provide your emergency contact information and your preferred registration selections, such as in-person, virtual, or one day, and any workshops you plan to attend.

Exhibitors will receive registration with the purchase of a booth. Each exhibitor representative attending the meeting must create or have their own APS account and register themselves online. APS will provide registration instructions after the booth is purchased.

For group registrations of 10 or more people, you will need to send payment with a check or credit card and APS will create the registration invoice from the group administrator's APS account. Each person, including the group administrator, will need to have an APS account that is up-to-date. Please contact the APS registrar with the following information in a spreadsheet:

For multiple registrations of less than 10 people or to pay for someone else's registration, please work with each person you are registering to process the registration from their APS account online. Processing multiple transactions with the same payment method, likely a credit card, may require you to clear your browser cache after each transaction. You can also try using a different browser, network, or computer to process each transaction.

The easiest way to register for an APS event is through the event's online registration form. If you are unable to register online, there will be a downloadable PDF form with the registration selections available on the meeting website to fax for most APS meetings.

You can make changes to your registration until the program deadline for the respective meeting since any change will cause disruptions to the program. If you need to change your registration from in-person to virtual or virtual to in-person, please send an email to the APS Registrar before the deadline.

We provide Certificates of Attendance onsite during the live meeting at the Registration Desk. If you cannot obtain the Certificate of Attendance during the onsite meeting, you may contact the APS Registrar to request a copy. We will only maintain certificates up to two years beyond the meeting date. You must have a paid registration in your name for the meeting to receive the Certificate of Attendance.

This certificate program is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in medicine, public health, healthcare policy, or as healthcare providers and those who are interested in the impact of science on society. Premedical and prehealth students needing additional humanities and social science coursework may find this certificate beneficial, particularly as medical and professional health schools place an increasing importance on cultural competency.

Students may count other courses in the social sciences and humanities toward the certificate, with the approval of their academic adviser. Students may substitute one 300-level biology course toward the four-class minimum for the certificate.

Whether you're a first-time registrant or current and returning student, all students register using our online student registration and records systems. Important information about registering for courses at SPS, including registration timelines and adding or dropping courses in which you are already enrolled, can be found on the Registration Information page.

2023 marks the midpoint in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the 2030 Agenda and other 2015 agreements which provides a major opportunity for all to review the progress and change course towards sustainable and resilient future for all. The finding from the Mid-term Review of the Sendai Framework reveals that while progress is being made, risk creating is outstripping risk reduction and the progress in risk governance and decentralization of disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies and implementation at the local level remains a challenge. Collaboration is critical not only with government offices, institutions, or entities responsible for disaster and crisis management, but also with all stakeholders, requiring an all-of-society and all-of-government engagement and partnership for its achievement. Capacity building of local risk management is a key priority that must be supported and guided by the national-level authorities and partners at all levels. It is also highly crucial to ensure inclusivity in DRR governance structure and enable whole-of-society engagement and participation.

Since 2020, UNOSSC, UNDRR GETI, PAHO/WHO and WHO have jointly organized three annual certificate online training programmes focusing on harnessing South-South Cooperation, DRR and integration of health emergency response and preparedness in building resilience cities and societies, responding to different phases of the outbreak, emergency response and recovery of COVID-19 pandemic. The past three annual training series were well attended by over 6000+ participants from 155 countries and territories.

Building on the success of past three training series and learning from the pandemic, the fourth annual training will be organized in June 2023 aiming to provide foundation of thoughts for engaging multi-governments and multi-stakeholders especially most at-risk groups such as women, youth and person with disabilities in DRR and public health emergency response and preparedness. The course emphasizes a whole-of-society approach to managing complex risk and creating healthy, sustainable, and resilient cities with practical examples and useful tools.

Local and national government officials in charge of disaster risk reduction and management, urban development and planning and public health emergency preparedness, national associations of municipalities, urban resilience and development practitioners, as well as civil society, private sector, and academia. e24fc04721

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