Exhibit Proposal
Exhibit Proposal.docx
Bilingual exhibit proposal sentence stems
Constructing Meaning: Students will be able to curate exhibition by selecting, analyzing, preparing, and presenting artworks and will be able to explain and describe curation process in written form. https://www.malabarbay.com/collections/loungewear8.VA:Pr4 Develop and apply criteria for evaluating a collection of artwork for presentation.8.VA:Pr5 Collaboratively prepare and present selected theme-based artwork for display, and formulate exhibition narratives for the viewer.8.VA:Pr6 Analyze why and how an exhibition or collection may influence ideas, beliefs, and experiences.7.VA:Re7.1 Explain how the method of display, the location, and the experience of an artwork influence how it is perceived and valued.Sentence Stems
Exhibit Proposal 3.docx
Exhibit Proposal 5.docx
Exhibit Proposal 1.docx
Exhibit Proposal 4.docx
Exhibit Proposal 2.docx