Injuries have a great impact on professional soccer, due to their large influence on team performance and the considerable costs of rehabilitation for players. Existing studies in the literature provide just a preliminary understanding of which factors mostly affect injury risk, while an evaluation of the potential of statistical models in forecasting injuries is still missing. In this paper, we propose a multi-dimensional approach to injury forecasting in professional soccer that is based on GPS measurements and machine learning. By using GPS tracking technology, we collect data describing the training workload of players in a professional soccer club during a season. We then construct an injury forecaster and show that it is both accurate and interpretable by providing a set of case studies of interest to soccer practitioners. Our approach opens a novel perspective on injury prevention, providing a set of simple and practical rules for evaluating and interpreting the complex relations between injury risk and training performance in professional soccer.

Data Availability: The owner of the data is an elite soccer club in Italy which wants to remain anonymous and did not give the permission to make the original data publicly available. The club has the right to choose which information, results and data can be made public and has granted the access to these data to the authors only for research aims. In accordance with SoBigData Ethical Committee, we can provide upon request transformed data that are processed in such a way that it is not possible to re-identify the subjects involved in the study. The transformed data reflect the same data distribution of real data to guarantee that the experiments performed on the transformed data produce the same results as the ones shown in the paper. We specify that the researchers from FC Barcelona participated to the study only as collaborators, and that FC Barcelona is not the owner of the data. For data requests please contact us at the following email addresses: or

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Historically, academic work on injury forecasting has been deterred by the limited availability of data describing the physical activity of players. Nowadays, the Internet of Things have the potential to change rapidly this scenario thanks to Electronic Performance and Tracking Systems (EPTS), new tracking technologies that provide high-fidelity data streams extracted from every training and game session [5, 6]. These data depict in detail the movements of players on the playing field [5, 6] and have been used for many purposes, from identifying training patterns [7] to automatic tactical analysis [5, 8, 9]. Despite this wealth of data, little effort has been put on investigating injury forecasting in professional soccer so far [10, 11, 12]. State-of-the-art approaches provide just a preliminary understanding of which variables affect the injury risk, while an evaluation of the potential of statistical models to forecast injuries is still poor. A major limit of existing studies is that they are mono-dimensional, i.e., they use just one variable at a time to estimate injury risk, without fully exploiting the complex patterns underlying the available data.

Venturelli et al. [12] perform several periodic physical tests on young soccer players (age < 18) and find that jump height, body size and the presence of previous injuries are significantly correlated with the probability of thigh strain injury. Talukder et al. [22] create a classifier to predict 19% of the injuries that occurred in NBA. They also show that the most important features for predicting injuries are the average speed, the number of past competitions played, the average distance covered, the number of minutes played to date and the average field goals attempted. An attempt to injury forecasting in soccer has been made by Kampakis [23], although it considers a reduced set of features obtaining an accuracy that is, in the best scenario, not significantly better than random classifiers.

We repeated the entire injury prediction approach (i.e., all the three steps in Fig 1) 10,000 times in order to assess its stability with respect to the choice of the injury examples in the two folds. For the sake of comparison, we implemented other injury forecasters based on the ACWR and the monotony (or MSWR) techniques, which are among the two most used techniques for injury risk estimation and prediction in professional soccer (see S2 Appendix and S3 Appendix for details). Moreover, we compare our injury forecaster with four baselines. Baseline B1 randomly assigns a class to an example by respecting the distribution of classes. Baseline B2 always assigns the non-injury class, while baseline B3 always assigns the injury class. Baseline B4 is a classifier which assigns class 1 (injury) if PI(EWMA) > 0, and 0 (no injury) otherwise. We also compare DT with a Random Forest classifier (RF) and a Logit classifier (LR).

As a further test of the forecasting potential of our approach we investigate the benefit of using our multi-dimensional injury forecaster in a real-world injury prevention scenario, where we assume that a club equips with appropriate GPS sensor technologies and starts recording training workload data since the first training session of the season (in other words, no data are available to the club before the beginning of the season). Assuming that we train the injury forecaster with new data every week, how many injuries the club can actually prevent throughout the season?

Fig 3 and S7 Table show the evolution of the cumulative F1-score and the feature extracted by RFECV as the season goes by, respectively. We find that in the first weeks DT has a poor predictive performance and misses many injuries (the black crosses in Fig 3). The predictive ability of DT improves significantly throughout the season: as more and more training and injury examples are collected, the forecasting model predicts most of the injuries in the second half of the season (the red crosses in Fig 3). We find that DT is the one performing the best, outperforming all the other models from week w14. In particular, DT detects 9 injuries out of 14 from w6 to the end of the season, resulting in F1-score = 0.60 and precision = 0.56. After an initial period of data collection, the injury forecaster becomes a useful tool to prevent the injuries of players and, by extracting the rules from the decision tree as we show in the next section, to understand the reasons behind the forecasted injuries as well as the injuries that are not detected by the model.

In this paper we proposed a multi-dimensional approach to injury forecasting in soccer, fully based on automatically collected GPS data and machine learning. As we showed, our injury forecaster provides a good trade-off between accuracy and interpretability, reducing the number of false alarms with respect to state-of-the-art approaches and at the same time providing a simple handbook of rules to understand the reasons behind the observed injuries. We showed that the forecaster can be profitably used early in the season, and that it allows the club to save a considerable part of the seasonal injury-related costs. Our approach opens a novel perspective on injury prevention, providing a methodology for evaluating and interpreting the complex relations between injury risk and training performance in professional soccer.

Development of skill in young soccer players relies on progressive improvement in different professionally important sensorimotor cognitive abilities. Development of seven leading abilities was based on the results of 23 tests provided for experimental and control groups. 600 elite young soccer players of both sexes, ages 11 to 19 years, were assessed over a period of 4 years. Experimental groups were given different exercises to aid development of selected abilities. At the end of the monitoring period, the experimental groups demonstrated a significant improvement in contrast to the control groups, and the greatest improvements in different test performances were observed in the 11- to 13-year-olds. The test-retest ata show the testing process to be reliable. The study provides standard pedagogical models and data for trainers, coaches, and researchers working with young soccer players. Future research on talent identification and selection should adopt amultidimensional approach.

Several studies deal with the development of advanced statistical methods for predicting football match results. These predictions are then used to construct profitable betting strategies. Even if the most popular bets are based on whether one expects that a team will win, lose, or draw in the next game, nowadays a variety of other outcomes are available for betting purposes. While some of these events are binary in nature (e.g. the red cards occurrence), others can be seen as binary outcomes. In this paper we propose a simple framework, based on score-driven models, able to obtain accurate forecasts for binary outcomes in soccer matches. To show the usefulness of the proposed statistical approach, two experiments to the English Premier League and to the Italian Serie A are provided for predicting red cards occurrence, Under/Over and Goal/No Goal events. 17dc91bb1f

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