The Politics of Capitalism and Climate Change

一橋大学哲学・社会思想セミナー サテライトイベント

Date and Time

6:00-8:00 pm., Thursday, June 27, 2024.


Hall 26, Main Building (本館26教室), Hitotsubashi University (Naka 2-1, Kunitachi, Tokyo).


Ajay Singh Chaudhary (Presenter 1)
Executive Director of the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, Author of The Exhausted of the Earth: Politics in a Burning World (Repeater, 2024).

Joel Wainwright (Presenter 2)
Professor of Geography at the Ohio State University, Author of Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future (co-authored with G. Mann, Verso, 2018); forthcoming translation in Japanese: 『気候リヴァイアサン 惑星的主権の誕生』 (堀之内出版, 2024).

Kohei Saito (斎藤 幸平, Discussant)
Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tokyo, Author of Marx in the Anthropocene. Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism (Cambridge University Press, 2023).


English (Live Subtitles Available)



Masanori Kashiwazaki (柏崎 正憲), Assistant Professor of Intellectual History at Hitotsubashi University.

m.kashiwazaki [at]


Climate change is no longer (or not in the first place) a simple matter of ecological crisis, but rather a key factor affecting the transformation of the global political-economic order and even our imagination about the possible futures.

The presenters will provide valuable insights into climate change, global capitalism and social philosophy, which might be particularly informative for the audience in Japan, where the topics in ecology are still far from being recognized as political and ideological issues.