Soap-cutting is part of the autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) group. Looped in with the sound of nails on a keyboard, whispering and hair brushing, soap-cutting is said to give fans of ASMR a mesmerising, tingling sensation that can often be relaxing and a sleeping aid.

Soap-cutting usually comes in two different styles. The most common usually shows the top of the bar of soap that has been sliced up into tiny squares have an anonymous hand slowly drag a knife beneath them. The squares rise up in soft waves and then rain down on the table below with a satisfying clacking sound.

Soap Cutting Videos Download


Soap-cutting isn't a new video trend, exactly, but it's having another moment. Instagram and Twitter are flooded with videos of people taking knives through bars of colorful soap, shared with the hashtags #soapcutting and #soapasmr. They're remarkably relaxing.

In the case of soap-cutting videos, there's the quiet clacking of small pieces of soap falling away, the textured surface turning smooth, and the methodical destruction of something neat and colorful. Combined, people find it calming and addictive to watch.

Well, an article in Quora explains that we all have different triggers that give us that relaxing, soothing sensation. Some people find it very comforting to watch certain videos like soap cutting, while others enjoy listening to the sounds of someone else whispering.

Of course, you probably already know that handmade soap is used in the shower or bath to cleanse the skin or at the sink to wash your hands. It can also be used as a shampoo bar and even a facial cleanser. But did you know that there is an uncommon usage of handmade soap or other types of soap as ASMR soap that you may not have even heard or thought about? It is known as soap cutting, and it is also done for reasons you may not have heard about.

Soapmakers may be familiar with talking about soap cutting, but they usually mean cutting a loaf of fancy handmade soap into bars of soap using a knife, a cheese cutter, or a multi-bar soap cutter. But another usage of that term exists that is unrelated to these tasks. For some, it means cutting a bar of soap into pieces just for the pleasure or relaxing feeling it brings to hear the soap being cut with a knife. Handmade soap can even be used as ASMR soap and we will tell you more about that later in this blog post.

Soap cutting or carving can be a relaxing experience, especially if you enjoy watching the soap being cut into small pieces. For some people, the sound of soap being cut or carved can also be soothing and provide relief from stress. This is known as ASMR or autonomous sensory meridian response. ASMR soap cutting is a form of ASMR that typically involves the cutting and slicing of soap. It can be considered an unusual way to use it, given that we already discussed that most people generally this everyday item for bathing or washing their hands.

Soap cutting videos are a type of ASMR video that can trigger the same pleasurable tingling sensation. In these videos, people cut the soap bar into thin slices or shapes using a sharp knife. The sound of the blade slicing through the bar of soap is often what triggers the ASMR response.

Soap cutting videos are relatively new to the ASMR world, but they're already gaining in popularity. If you're looking for a unique way to experience ASMR, then continue reading this blog post because later we will mention a few of these types of videos that you may want to check out.

Some people who experience ASMR find that watching or listening to the soap being cut can help them relax and fall asleep. For others, it's a way to unwind after a long day or provide relief from anxiety or stress. Some people even use ASMR videos as a form of white noise to help them concentrate while they work or study.

There are many reasons why people enjoy these types of videos. For some, it's the satisfying sound of the blade slicing through the soap. Others find the visual ASMR triggers, such as watching the soap being cut into thin slices or shapes or being crushed, to be relaxing and enjoyable. And for others, it's a combination of both the auditory and visual stimuli that makes these videos so pleasurable to watch.

Many of the videos on YouTube and social media posts that one may find with soap cutting or carving use very hard soap, which when cut or carved makes sharp, crunching sounds. The drier and older the soap is the more it will likely make the sounds the person who is doing the carving or cutting wants to hear. So people will take steps to dry their soaps to get them to be extremely hard and dry before using them for ASMR. Ones used for these purposes are often very inexpensive, commercially mass-produced soaps. Some may even be detergent bars that do not even meet the definition of soap, but they are still used for cutting or carving due to their hardness.

Some prefer to use softer soaps, so you could still use handmade soap for this purpose too. You would probably want to use a cold process handmade soap if you are looking for a harder bar to use for ASMR cutting, curling, or carving to make sounds more like those one gets from using a commercial, mass-produced soap. Hot process soap might be useful if you are looking for a less dense handmade soap as those often tend to be less dense than cold process ones. They would also be useful if you want to have the visual effect of seeing a design throughout the soap and hearing a less crisp, softer sound when the soap is being cut.

Glycerin soap bars are another choice to use for softer soaps. This type of soap may range from a clear, translucent appearance to a solid, opaque color, or a combination of both opaque and clear areas within the design of the bar of glycerin soap. It is often used in ASMR videos because it looks aesthetically pleasing and makes a satisfying softer sound than the crisp sound one hears with hard, dry soaps. You have a choice of getting handmade ones or commercial, mass produced ones.

One way to enhance your soap visually is by decorating the bar with paint or glitter. This will make the experience more stimulating and interesting for your viewers if you are creating videos or for yourself if you are just doing it for your enjoyment. You can also experiment with different colors and textures to create a unique look. Just make sure you are using a type of paint that is safe to use and not something like regular house paint. Also, try to use biodegradable glitter if you must use glitter even though this type of glitter may be more expensive than the type you can get at the dollar store or craft store.

Yes, ASMR soap cutting is generally considered to be safe as long as you take precautions to avoid cutting yourself. Children should not do this activity and it should only be done by adults that are capable of using a knife safely and have researched enough about how to engage safely in this activity. Be sure to use a sharp tool and be careful when cutting and slicing the soap. If you have concerns about using a knife while holding the bar of soap, then you should consider using a method that involves cutting the bar of soap while it is on a stable, flat surface and not in your hand. Better yet, try one of the ASMR methods involving soap that does not involve cutting the soap. If you're not comfortable cutting the soap yourself, you can always ask someone else to do it for you.

Do not do soap cutting or carving around children, and make sure that any pieces of soap are not accessible by small children to prevent a choking hazard. Be careful with the fine powder that you may create if you are crumbling pieces so you don't inhale any fine powder.

Also, you engage in doing any of these activities at your own risk and this blog post is not encouraging you to do anything that do you not feel comfortable doing or that you believe may be unsafe for you to do. If you have any safety concerns about the practice of ASMR soap cutting or carving, then you should refrain from doing it and just enjoy watching other people do it on YouTube or other social media.

Making soap pieces by cutting very old and dry soap cubes (bars) seems to be the most popular method. People like to hear and see it being cut into very small pieces. It is a very noisy process! You will hear lots of crunching and crackling, especially if your soap is very old and dry.

If you're new to ASMR, start by watching some videos of people cutting soap. This will help you get a feel for the motion and sound that typically accompanies this activity. Keep reading this blog post, because we will share information about a few such videos soon.

2. Cut the soap slowly and deliberately, making sure to focus on the sounds that the blade makes as it slices through the soap. Use a sharp knife to make clean cuts. Dull blades can make the experience less enjoyable, so be sure to use a sharp one.

4. If you find that soap cutting isn't providing the ASMR sensations you're looking for, try another type of activity. Many different triggers can cause ASMR, so experiment until you find one that works for you.

1. After you cut a pattern of lines crisscrossing the top of a cube (bar) of very dry, old soap, cut tiny pieces by holding the bar in one hand and using the other hand to carefully cut away the top part of the bar and continue by cutting layer after layer causing more and more tiny pieces to fall away from the bar; or

Try different speeds and pressure while cutting to find what sounds best for you. You can also experiment with different types of soap to see what triggers your ASMR the most. If you are making a video for others to view, hold the soap close to your microphone and make sure the knife is sharp to get the best sound quality.

One way to create tapping ASMR sounds related to soap is to tap on the outside packaging, particularly if it is a box. Opening the package will also create sounds that you may find to be pleasing to you.

Soap tapping ASMR is another easy way to create ASMR sounds. You could also try tapping on the bar itself if it is firm enough. Simply take a soap bar and tap it on a hard surface. The harder the surface, the louder the ASMR sound will be. This could also be done with your fingers or with a small object such as a pencil by tapping your fingers or a pencil on the bar of soap. e24fc04721

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