Thank you for visiting my blog! Let me introduce myself: I'm Yvonne, or Yvo for short... I was born a Dutchie, but felt that that tiny, rainy country known for tulips, windmills, cheese and of course Amsterdam wasn't my place to be. O no, the world was a lot bigger that and was calling me to start discovering it. Carpe Diem and all. So I learned Spanish (I actually have a degree in Spanish philology), went to study in Madrid, Spain when I was 20... And after that I decided to try and find my place in the world. I travelled around a lot during the last few years, and finally settled down in lovely Argentina after having found the love of my life while travelling in Colombia.

My question centers around Taoist Dualism. Under this premise there cannot be good without evil. However, as a Christian, God is purely good and he exists. My question is: would we know good if there was no evil? Can good truly exist without evil? How can God exist as purely good when he cannot choose evil as he is bound by his own character? Would that really be considered good?

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I would like to use your song in a Christmas Concert this year. I am the Artistic Director of the Sacramento Valley Choral Society and Orchestra. Are you interested in creating an SATB with orchestra or at least strings, harp and a few additional instruments like oboe, flute, clarinet, HORNS, brass, glock, or anything else you would like. Any key is fine I would like to also feature a soloist but I can make that happen either way. Please le me know your thoughts on the matter. I LOVE the song and it really speaks to my heart.

"I thought you knew" indicates that you thought they were aware of it in the past, typically of something you just informed the person of. (Because obviously they know it now. You just mentioned it, so you say this phrase to indicate why you hadn't said so earlier.)"My dog died last week. I thought you knew."

"I thought you would know" is used when you were looking for information from that person. You thought they would know, but now you know for sure if they do or not. "I have no idea.""Oh, I thought you would know."

It can also be used to indicate a conclusion you would assume they would have drawn or something they would have picked up on, but apparently did not."Given how much I'm on campus, I thought you would know that I'm a student."

My belief in EMDR and IFS is from both a client perspective and a therapist perspective. I have personally felt how both forms of therapy heal in my own journey as a client and as a therapist helping other people heal. Their affects on my life have been profound and I would encourage you to reach out, ask about my experiences, and ask about how EMDR and IFS can help you.

"person would know" means that the person would be expected to know something that has just been described. This is often followed by the reason for this expectation. In the above excerpt, the reason is because he's one of the people he just described.

Things have been tough for Valerie for quite a while. Though she lives in her Victorian dream house, one that's said to be haunted by six-year-old Grace Newton who died a mysterious death more than 50 years ago, Kendra constantly tries to get her to sell the old place and move in with her, her husband, and baby, Mason. No way. Valerie would be smothered living with her staid and arrogant daughter not to mention her stick-in-the-mud, son-in-law, Theo.

Now they are grown. Kendra has a family, and Hudson, a deadbeat, who left a long time ago, returns home. Kendra claims their mother is losing her faculties and needs Hudson to be with her. So it wouldn't seem as if he's to be her caretaker, Hudson informs Valerie his last lover threw him out, and he has no place else to go. In reality, he does not want to return to his childhood home where his presence is frowned upon by the neighbors. When only a teenager, Hudson's BFF and girlfriend Heather died in a freak accident. Hudson was cleared of all charges, yet everyone still considers him guilty of killing the young girl, though he swears he is innocent.

Conversely, say the young couple receives the down payment as a gift from their parents. If the parents gifted $50,000 to the adult children to make a down payment, that must be reported on a gift tax return, even though no gift tax is due. This type of gift is frequently made, and in my practice as a tax controversy lawyer, rarely reported as it should be. The increased financial reporting obligation would likely increase compliance with gift tax reporting rules.

If we're going to look for life on other worlds, why not start with the one planet we know has life? Earth's atmosphere is rich with oxygen and molecules such as methane, which strongly suggest the presence of life. It also has traces of molecules such as nitrogen dioxide and CFCs (commonly known as freon) which are strong indicators of an industrial civilization.

Using an averaging of the data across different atmospheric depths, an earlier study simulated the possible spectra as it would appear when Earth transits the sun seen from the outer solar system. This provides a good baseline for what exoplanet data could be obtained.

The authors then took this to the next level by "roughing up" the data, adding simulated noise to the signal, and then sampling it at lower resolutions. This is similar to the kind of observations JWST would make on an exoplanet light-years away.

The team then took the idea a step further and considered the exoplanet system known as Trappist-1. It's a system 40 light-years away with seven known planets, two or three of which are potentially habitable. By introducing molecular spectra into the simulated spectra of Trappist worlds, the team showed that JWST could identify both biological signatures and technological signatures should they exist on a Trappist exoplanet.

We still wouldn't be able to identify alien structures on this world, but we don't need to go that far to prove the existence of aliens. If JWST can identify oxygen, organic molecules, and synthetic molecules such as CFCs in the atmosphere of a nearby exoplanet, then we know an intelligent civilization either is or was present there. That would be a tremendous step forward in our understanding of life in the universe.

I don't know which Redis structure are you using to store database records in Redis but I guess it could be a Hash, probably indexed by your table index so the sync operation will be immediate: if a record is created in your database you set a HSET, if deletion HDEL and so on.

That sucks, we should be able to make up our own questions and answers that only we would know, it would be much better than trying to remember all that, I'm still playing and wouldn't have a clue to answer those questions.

In John 7:25-27, Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people. They seem pretty impressed with Him and begin to wonder if He could be the Messiah. However, one of their objections is that they know where He came from. They believe that when the Christ comes that no one will know where He came from.

On the other hand, it was prophesied that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14 cp. Matt. 1:23) and be the seed of a woman (Gen. 3:15). Essentially, a human male would not contribute to the conception of the Messiah.

And, Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) said similarly, when he (the Messiah) appearswithout knowing his father and mother and family: "And he will grow upin His presence as a branch, even like a root out of dry ground (etc.)..."(Isa. 53:2).

Rambam wrote that the Messiah would not know his father, mother, or family. While this isn't true of Yeshua, it demonstrates a traditional Jewish interpretation concerning the Messiah which Rambam received. It is quite possible that this same tradition existed among the Jewish people in the time of Yeshua. That is, some believed that the Messiah's father, mother, and family would be unknown and that the Messiah would appear from obscurity.

Perhaps one of the reasons Rambam interprets the scripture in such a manner is because the ground is said to be "dry." A root in dry ground is essentially dead or on the verge of death, as it receives no sustenance. Trees and plants are often used as metaphors in reference to ancestors. For example, the Messiah is said to be the "root of Yishai" (Isa. 53:11). That the Messiah, the root of Yishai, grows up out of dry ground, indicates that he is from an obscure family, contrary to the belief that the Messiah would be a well-known public figure worthy of pomp and grandeur.

I have also read that Raymundi Martini, in his Pugio Fidei, quotes Rabbi Moshe Ha-Darshan in saying that the Messiah would be fatherless, by connecting Zech 6:12 to Isa. 53:2 and Ps. 110:3 (according to the thought of the LXX). I'm currently searching the Pugio Fidei attempting to locate the page.

It is quite possible that since they knew the messiah should be the "Son of God", they assumed he would have just "appeared" from heaven. Even Christians must admit that it is peculiar that God sent Jesus to be born of a virgin (that is, for him to come from a human).

That is one of the reasons why we celebrate Christmas. It is quite unexpected. Since many of the people in the age when the Bible was being written, probably didn't have access to the Word Of God, they might not have known he was supposed to come from a virgin. Therefore, since they knew where Jesus came from, he couldn't possibly be the Messiah.

Like others I believe that the people of Jesus' day were not ignorant of the PLACE where Messiah would be born (Bethlehem), and the Old Testament also indicates He would be of the lineage of David, but I believe they are referring to a kind of mystery surrounding who the Messiah really was. Isaiah calls Him, "The mighty God and the Everlasting Father." Jeremiah 23:6 calls Him YHWH, Our Righteousness, yet He was to be born of a Woman (Isaiah 7:14) who was a virgin (How did that happen?) and His name would be called Immanuel meaning "God with us." This is the mystery that people were referring to when they indicated that no one would know where Messiah came from - born of a woman, but almighty God and everlasting Father at the same time. e24fc04721

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