Privacy Policy


The Snowmaking app requests your current location to determine the current weather conditions. Your location is never stored and only used in requests for weather data. Our weather data provider is Dark Sky and may include others if you choose to link a personal weather station (PWS). The location of a PWS is stored only for use in calculating your current proximity to it and is never sent to anyone.

Personal Weather Stations

Users have the option to add a PWS that replaces the real-time data provided by Dark Sky. Information used to access the PWS, inlcuding its location and API keys, is stored locally on your device and never uploaded to a server. Information on specific services is provided below.


In order to access a Wunderground PWS, you must enter a valid API key. This key is stored locally and only sent to Wunderground to complete weather data requests.

WeatherFlow Tempest

OAuth 2.0 is used to link your Tempest account the Snowmaking app. Your username and password are never seen by the app. Information on your weather stations and their data is accessed through a locally-stored private key that is only sent to Tempest in weather data requests.