Hi @jbcunningham! Thanks for reaching out. Can you double check that your account name matches the full string of text to the left of snowflakecomputing.com? Per the snowflake docs, the full account name may include additional segments that identify the region and cloud platform where your account is hosted, and not including those can cause connection errors.

I reversed the lights in the outlet. Same thing happened; the decorations lit, but not the snowflakes. I switched extension cords, but that did not help. What do I do next? These took many hours and a tall ladder to hang. Take them all down is not what I want to hear.By Debbie H.

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I can reach the database and import Snowflake metadata do OBI using the admin tool. I can also see the data in snowflake tables using the "View Data" functionality in OBI Admin Tool, even though, before showing the data, OBI prompts a message:

Can you post your connection string? (Leave out the sensitive parts, obviously...)

What is your Snowflake account? Remember that the Snowflake "account" is everything preceding the ".snowflakecomputing.com" in your account URL. There should be both an account name and a region identifier - like "mySnowflakeAccount.us-east-1." for AWS East. Only Snowflake accounts based in the AWS US-West region will not have a region identifier included.

I am facing the same error and i dont see a solution on how to match the versions. Can you share where i can look for advanced settings, i did not find them on streamlit.io. I have also tried multiple versions of snowflake python connector, but of no use. Please help.

Another use case involves overloading the Role at the user level. User properties are prefixed via userProperty: so you wouldneed to use the syntax ${userProperty:snowflake_role} instead of ${snowflake_role} when parameterizing the Snowflake connection, andthe global variable would be named userProperty:snowflake_role. Then each user would be able to override the role by adding a property snowflake_role to their profile:

The Snowflake Connector for Spark (provided by Snowflake). It can be downloaded directly from Maven under the spark-snowflake_2.11 artifact ID ( ). Make sure to choose the correct version of the connector for the version of Spark installed (only versions 2.2-2.4 are supported).

The client_session_keep_alive feature is intended to keep Snowflake sessions alive beyond the typical 4 hour timeout limit. The snowflake-connector-python implementation of this feature can prevent processes that use it (read: dbt) from exiting in specific scenarios. If you encounter this in your deployment of dbt, please let us know in the GitHub issue, and work around it by disabling the keepalive.

The retry_on_database_errors flag along with the connect_retries count specification is intended to make retries configurable after the snowflake connector encounters errors of type snowflake.connector.errors.DatabaseError. These retries can be helpful for handling errors of type "JWT token is invalid" when using key pair authentication.

If you find the SSO option (checkbox at the bottom of the screen) unavailable, then contact your Power BI service admin to enable the corresponding tenant setting. The Power BI service admin can find the Snowflake SSO setting under Tenant settings in the Power BI Admin portal. Make sure this setting is toggled from Disabled to Enabled (see screenshot below).

[1] Converting from a higher precision data type to a lower precision data type via the snowflakeRows.Scan()method can lose low bits (lose precision), lose high bits (completely change the value), or result in error.

[5] You cannot directly Scan() into the alternative data types via snowflakeRows.Scan(), but can convert tothose data types by using .Float32()/.String()/.Float64() methods. For an example, see below.

Internally, this feature leverages the []byte data type. As a result, BINARYdata cannot be bound without the binding parameter flag. In the followingexample, sf is an alias for the gosnowflake package:

The call to the Next() function of snowflakeRows is always synchronous (i.e. blocking).If the query has not yet completed and the snowflakeRows object (named "rows" in thisexample) has not been filled in yet, then rows.Next() waits until the result set has been filled in.

More generally, calls to any Golang SQL API function implemented in snowflakeRows orsnowflakeResult are blocking calls, and wait if results are not yet available.(Examples of other synchronous calls include: snowflakeRows.Err(), snowflakeRows.Columns(),snowflakeRows.columnTypes(), snowflakeRows.Scan(), and snowflakeResult.RowsAffected().)

The error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named snowflake" is a common error experienced when developing in Python. The error is likely an environment issue whereby the snowflake-connector-python package has not been installed correctly on your machine, thankfully there are a few simple steps to go through to troubleshoot the problem and find a solution.

For virtual environments:source MY_ENV/bin/activateCreate a new Conda or venv Python environment with snowflake-connector-python installedDuring the development process, a developer will likely install and update many different packages in their Python environment, which can over time cause conflicts and errors.

Therefore, one way to solve the module error for snowflake-connector-python is to simply create a new environment with only the packages that you require, removing all of the bloatware that has built up over time. This will provide you with a fresh start and should get rid of problems that installing other packages may have caused.

For Conda:# Create the new environment with the desired packagesconda create -n MY_ENV python=3.9# Activate the new environmentconda activate MY_ENV# Install snowflake-connector-python into environmentconda install -c conda-forge snowflake-connector-python# Check to see if the packages you require are installedconda listFor virtual environments:

Under the hood lambda function has deployed as part of Serverless Application Repository, hence you can query by using lambda:snowflakeathenato run against tables in the Snowflake database. This is the name of lambda function which we have created in step 5 of previous section of this blog.

PIP packageVersion requiredapache-airflow>=2.6.0apache-airflow-providers-common-sql>=1.10.0snowflake-connector-python>=2.7.8snowflake-sqlalchemy>=1.1.0Cross provider package dependenciesThose are dependencies that might be needed in order to use all the features of the package.You need to install the specified provider packages in order to use them.

I've had a python code with this call to looker_sdk which was running just fine.

It is failing now with the same 'Looker not found (404): Looker is unavailable.' error, and I also could not find anything that could give me the answer what is wrong. I'll update this thread if I would find the cause. e24fc04721

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