Welcome to the

Son N. Nguyen Research group

There's something about Mass Spectrometry!


Our research is focused on developing novel analytical strategies to study biopolymer architecture, dynamics, and function using mass spectrometry and chromatography as primary research tools. Another area of research is focused on the development of new approaches for chemical analysis in complex heterogeneous environments. Specifically, we are developing nanospray desorption electrospray ionization (nano-DESI) – a new ambient surface ionization technique for chemical imaging of biological systems in their native state and quantitative analysis of complex mixtures.

Nano-DESI Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Protein Mass Spectrometry




October, 20th 2018: The group celebrates Vietnamese Women's Day!

October, 20th 2018: Happy Vietnamese Women's Day to all our female group members!

October, 2018: The group welcomes Graduate student Nguyễn Bá Phúc, K28 Master Program

August, 2018: The group welcomes Undergraduate student Ngô Thị Hằng K62 Advanced Program