Tips To Speed Up A Slow Lenovo Laptop

Speed up your Lenovo laptop with this Simple Tips.

If your Lenovo laptop is slowing down and you have no idea how to speed it up, or simply don’t know where to start, here are a few quick tips for speeding up your laptop’s performance:

speed up a slow lenovo Laptop

1. Clean the Laptop

First things first, before you start fixing your slow Lenovo laptop, make sure that there are no junk files or unnecessary applications on your hard drive. Delete them if you feel they’re taking up space and slowing down your device.

2. Update Your Windows OS

One of the most common reasons behind a slow Lenovo laptop is an outdated OS (Operating System). Make sure to update your windows OS to its latest version as soon as possible by going to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update.

3. Disable Apps That Are Blocking Your System

You may have noticed that certain applications are causing lags in your system or slowing it down. Disabling such apps can help improve performance by up to 30%. So go ahead and check out the list below:

4. Install an Antivirus Software

Antivirus software can protect your computer from malware, spyware, rootkits, and other viruses that might be lurking in your system and causing lags while browsing the internet or running office applications like MS Office, etc. You can find free antivirus software here:

There are a few things you can do to speed up your laptop, but they're not easy.

  • Upgrade the hardware. The more powerful your laptop is, the faster it will be. Upgrade your RAM and hard drive as necessary. If you're only using your computer for basic tasks like surfing the web and writing emails, then a cheap old 2GB of RAM and a 50GB hard drive will do fine for now. But if you need to edit large files or play demanding games or video editing software, then you'll want at least 4GB of RAM and a mechanical hard drive (not an SSD).

In addition to upgrading the hardware, make sure that all programs are fully updated. While most programs automatically update themselves when you install them from their website or from Windows Update on Windows 10, sometimes they don't update correctly — especially older versions of Microsoft Office or Adobe Photoshop. Just running through the installation process again will make sure everything is up to date before you start using them again after updating them manually.

  • Protect Your Lenovo PC From Any Malware. Laptop performance can be affected by both software and hardware issues. If you experience slowdowns on your Lenovo laptop, it's a good idea to check for any outdated or malicious software that might be running in the background.

  • Make sure your Lenovo is running the latest drivers for its hardware. Drivers are important because they allow the components in your computer to communicate with each other properly — without them, you won't get the best performance out of your laptop. You can find the latest drivers here, but keep in mind that they'll be specific to your particular model number and operating system version. If you're not sure which ones you need, contact Lenovo customer service or visit the Lenovo Service Center Mohali page for your laptop manufacturer's support page (or search online).

  • Check for overheating issues with your laptop's fans and heatsinks. If your laptop runs hot while working on a single task, it could be caused by an overheating issue with its cooling systems — or even an issue with the processor itself that causes excessive heat output. To prevent this from happening, make sure all vents are clear so air can flow freely around all components inside your device — and also ensure that both fans are working properly