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We would like to thank P. Coorough Burke, D. Scott, R. R. Reisz, D. S. Berman, A. C. Henrici and R. W. Hook for access to comparative material and specimens. We further thank R. W. Hook, B. M. Gee and A. S. Calthorpe for stimulating discussions. Finally, we thank A. S. Calthorpe for her tireless assistance with assembling figures. A. Prieditis is thanked for his aid in taking photographs of the counterparts of MPM VP359229.2. Funding was in part provided by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship awarded to A.M.

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A.M. analysed the fossil data, performed phylogenetic analyses, constructed the figures and wrote the paper. J.D.P. analysed the fossil data, aided in figure edits and wrote the paper. H.C.M. provided edits to both the manuscript and final figures.

Strict consensus results of the phylogenetic parsimony analysis showing the position of Nagini mazonense as a molgophid in a polytomy with the taxa to Infernovenator and Brachydectes. Bootstrap values are located on top of nodes (only those over 50 reported).

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Hox genes regulate regionalization of the axial skeleton in vertebrates, and changes in their expression have been proposed to be a fundamental mechanism driving the evolution of new body forms. The origin of the snake-like body form, with its deregionalized pre-cloacal axial skeleton, has been explained as either homogenization of Hox gene expression domains, or retention of standard vertebrate Hox domains with alteration of downstream expression that suppresses development of distinct regions. Both models assume a highly regionalized ancestor, but the extent of deregionalization of the primaxial domain (vertebrae, dorsal ribs) of the skeleton in snake-like body forms has never been analysed. Here we combine geometric morphometrics and maximum-likelihood analysis to show that the pre-cloacal primaxial domain of elongate, limb-reduced lizards and snakes is not deregionalized compared with limbed taxa, and that the phylogenetic structure of primaxial morphology in reptiles does not support a loss of regionalization in the evolution of snakes. We demonstrate that morphometric regional boundaries correspond to mapped gene expression domains in snakes, suggesting that their primaxial domain is patterned by a normally functional Hox code. Comparison of primaxial osteology in fossil and modern amniotes with Hox gene distributions within Amniota indicates that a functional, sequentially expressed Hox code patterned a subtle morphological gradient along the anterior-posterior axis in stem members of amniote clades and extant lizards, including snakes. The highly regionalized skeletons of extant archosaurs and mammals result from independent evolution in the Hox code and do not represent ancestral conditions for clades with snake-like body forms. The developmental origin of snakes is best explained by decoupling of the primaxial and abaxial domains and by increases in somite number, not by changes in the function of primaxial Hox genes.

The Ocracoke Observer recently highlighted the glass lizard, and interviewed Museum Collections Manager of Herpetology Jeff Beane. Glass lizards, also known as legless lizards, got their name because their tails easily break (sometimes into several pieces like glass) when grabbed by a predator. People often confuse them with snakes. The Museum has two live ones on exhibit.

Caecilians are peculiar creatures, being nearly blind and using a combination of facial tentacles and slime to navigate their underground tunnels. "These animals produce two types of secretions -- one is found mostly in the tail that is poisonous, while the head produces a mucus to help with crawling through the earth," says senior author Carlos Jared, a biologist and Director of the Structural Biology Lab at the Butantan Institute in So Paulo. "Because caecilians are one of the least-studied vertebrates, their biology is a black box full of surprises."

"It is while examining the mucous glands of the ringed caecilian that I stumbled upon a never before described set of glands closer to the teeth," says first author Pedro Luiz Mailho-Fontana, a post-doctoral student in the Structural Biology Lab at the Butantan Institute.

What Mailho-Fontana found were a series of small fluid-filled glands in the upper and lower jaw, with long ducts that opened at the base of each tooth. Using embryonic analysis, he found that these oral glands originated from a different tissue than the slime and poison glands found in the caecilian's skin. "The poisonous skin glands of the ringed caecilian form from the epidermis, but these oral glands develop from the dental tissue, and this is the same developmental origin we find in the venom glands of reptiles," says Mailho-Fontana. This marks the first time glands of this kind have been found in an amphibian.

Researchers suspect that the ringed caecilian may use the secretions from these snake-like oral glands to incapacitate its prey. "Since caecilians have no arms or legs, the mouth is the only tool they have to hunt," says co-author Marta Maria Antoniazzi, an evolutionary biologist at the Butantan Institute. "We believe they activate their oral glands the moment they bite down, and specialized biomolecules are incorporated into their secretions.

A preliminary chemical analysis of the oral gland secretions of the ringed caecilian found high activity of phospholipase A2, a common protein found in the toxins of venomous animals. "The phospholipase A2 protein is uncommon in non-venomous species, but we do find it in the venom of bees, wasps, and many kinds of reptiles," says Mailho-Fontana. In fact, the biological activity of phospholipase A2 found in the ringed caecilian was higher than what is found in some rattlesnakes. Still, more biochemical analysis is needed to confirm whether the glandular secretions are toxic.

If future work can verify the secretions are toxic, caecilian oral glands could indicate an early evolutionary design of oral venom organs. "Unlike snakes which have few glands with a large bank of venom, the ringed caecilian has many small glands with minor amounts of fluid. Perhaps caecilians represent a more primitive form of venom gland evolution. Snakes appeared in the Cretaceous probably 100 million years ago, but caecilians are far older, being roughly 250 million years old," Jared says.

Very few groups of land-dwelling vertebrates have serpent-like bodies, and this research suggests there might be a connection between a limbless body plan and the evolution of a venomous bite. "For snakes and caecilians, the head is the sole unit to explore the environment, to fight, to eat, and to kill," says Antoniazzi. "One theory is that perhaps these necessities encourage the evolution of venom in limbless animals."

When a snake outgrows its skin, it must ditch it. Therefore, the more a snake grows, the more skin it leaves lying around. And snakes grow for their entire lives. And therein is the life lesson we can learn from snakes.

The amazing ability of sidewinder snakes to quickly climb sandy slopes was once something biologists only vaguely understood and roboticists only dreamed of replicating. By studying the snakes in a unique bed of inclined sand and using a snake-like robot to test ideas spawned by observing the real animals, both biologists and roboticists have now gained long-sought insights.

However, when the robot was programmed with the unique wave motion discovered in the sidewinders, it was able to climb slopes that had previously been unattainable. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Army Research Office, and the Army Research Laboratory.

At Zoo Atlanta, the researchers observed several sidewinders as they moved in a large enclosure containing sand from the Arizona desert where the snakes live. The enclosure could be raised to create different angles in the sand, and air could be blown into the chamber from below, smoothing the sand after each snake was studied. Motion of the snakes was recorded using high-speed video cameras which helped the researchers understand how the animals were moving their bodies.

"The snake is one of the most versatile of all land animals, and we want to capture what they can do," said Ross Hatton, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Oregon State University who has studied the mathematical complexities of snake motion, and how they might be applied to robots. "The desert sidewinder is really extraordinary, with perhaps the fastest and most efficient natural motion we've ever observed for a snake."

Many people dislike snakes, but in this study, the venomous animals were easy study subjects who provided knowledge that may one day benefit humans, noted Joe Mendelson, director of research at Zoo Atlanta.

From December 2020 to January 2022, 60 female CFS patients were recruited and equally allocated to two groups: Group A, receiving 60-min Long-snake-like moxibustion per treatment, and Group B, receiving 30-min Long-snake-like moxibustion per treatment. The treatment was administered 3 times per week for a total of 4 weeks. The primary outcome was defined as the improvement of symptoms measured by the Fatigue scale-14 (FS-14), and secondary outcomes were designated as the improvement in Symptoms Scale of Spleen-Kidney Yang Deficiency, Self-rating depression scale, and Self-rating anxiety scale. TTM scanning was employed twice for CFS patients (before and after 4-week treatment) and once for Healthy control subjects (HCs). 152ee80cbc

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