I am trying to recreate a simple snake game for my programming class. I am using java on the program Eclipse. In case you didn't know how to work this game, it is a game where when the snake eats the dot, it grows and the game is over when the snake hits itself. Any help would be much appreciated!

So, I'm trying to make the fruits (I also call them apples in code) spawn on a position that is different from the snake body just like the title says. The problem is that I don't know how to check if the coordinates of the new fruit is not equal to each of the body parts of the snake.

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This is what I've figured so far: I'm using 2 temp variables that will correspond to a random position in the frame and then I want to check if those are not equal to each position of the snake. The if condition inside the for loop just checks for x[0] and y[0] which are the coordinates of the head of my snake though.

I have recently created a snake game in Java with the help of an online tutorial. I have rearranged the program into separate classes & methods. I am skeptical on how good of a programmer I am, and I code messy.

I am currently trying to make a snake game with Java FX, I read several posts about it and I understand on theory how to move the snake body (for each part of the snake reference the previous one and move it to its former location) but I am facing some issues, my snake is not able to turn around properly:

I got 2 simple classes that are Vector (only holding reference to X and Y) and Block that holds references such as Position, Velocity for the current motion, nextVelocity to anticipate steering, Previous for the previous block in the snake body.

An optimization you should do is to add only if the new position has changed more than some minimun distance form the last one. That will get rid of redundant positions wasting space in the circular list. Also, if you know the minimun distance, you know the capacity you need in the circular list by dividing the length of the snake.

Once you have a path, your job is to place the parts of the snake along the path, keeping their distance. Thus, each tick, you set the position of each segment (iterating from head to tail) a given distance from the previous segment.

This means that the body will follow the same path as the head (a follow steering behaviour will have the segments try to cut ahead). It also means that the velocity of the head will not cause the snake to compress (we can imagine a simple follow steering behaviour will have snake body collapse to the position of the head when it stops) or stretch (if you use a follow steering behaviour the snake will become longer when the head accelerates).

Currently, the snake moves 1 square/20 pixels each time I press the W, A, S, or D key. The problem is that I would like this motion to be continuous and ALERT to other keys pressed. For example, when I press the 'S' key, the snake will move down (until it hits the wall) unless I press W, A, or D. In which case, the snake should change its movement to the corresponding direction. I have a slight idea that I will have to use a loop to keep moving the snake (this loop I THINK would be located inside a branch(if/else) of the method: movement).

When the user does press a key, that is not the time to tell it to move, but rather the time to modify a variable that stores the current direction of the head node. The real trick is in preserving the shape of your snake, and in order to achieve that, you do not want every node moving in the same direction, but rather that each node moves to the location of the previous one.

I am a high school student who is currently working on a snake game (eating the food version) on java swing (JFrame); in NetBeans IDE 8.0.2. So far I was able to move the snake and randomly generate the food; the snake is eating the food though and is stopping when colliding to the borders/boundaries around the board. But to be honest, I really don't know how to grow the snake from onwards. People suggested me to use an ArrayList so that I can add pieces of the same block(Jpanel). To say the truth, I am not too familiar to ArrayList. So would you guys help me around on how do I make that ArrayList and use that to grow the snake. Also, when the snake is moving forward(at any direction), how do I stop the snake from moving backwards(the opposite of the forward button), shouldn't it be only able to move left, right and forward. I hope you guys get what I mean. Finally, since my food gets randomly generated, it overlaps the snake sometimes and how do I stop the food from getting overlapped on the snakes body.

In the above link, the red block is my snake, the yellow blocks are my food and the extra piece there is the block that I wanna add to the snake and grow it. The Blue lines there are my borders/boundaries.

Explanation of code: I made two arrays for my food and border/boundaries. Each food is randomly generated at different locations. From Jlabel 1 to 10 is my food and Jlabel 11, 13, 14 and 15 is my border/boundaries. I have a timer for my snakes movement. I have used up[key 38], down[key 40], left[key 37] and right[key 39] arrows for movement. The food gets randomly generated at different location. When the snake the collides with a food, I have used setvisible function to hide the food and when the snake collides with the borders/boundaries, it stops moving.

To prevent the snake from going back you should just delete the key up and key down Listeners and use a loop to make it go forward (on its own perspective). Otherwise just disable the listener depending on which direction the snake is going on. You can create a method to determine the direction the snake is at.

To prevent the food from overlaping the snake you should check each time you generate your random number if these numbers are not matching the snake (and its body) location. If it does generate another number.

I am trying to make the classic snake game that eats the apple but I am having problems with the movements. The snake is able to move diagonal. For example, when the snake is moving to the right and I click up arrow key it will go diagonal not straight up y coordinate. How can I fix this problem? Thank you.

I.E. there was an array of SNAKE_LENGHT components, each one with X and Y.

When the snake advanced, the last component was deleted (array pull) and all components were replaced by the next one. Obviously, as that was done in BASIC, a complex routine for updating the array was used. Java/ Processing simplifies that.

i was trying to write a snake game in javafx , i found this code from youtube , after running it , what i get is just a blank black scene , the snake and the food does not show on the scene , and it immediately comes to an end(game over ) i figured the game works but i cant control the snake since it is not visible. The code is the same please help

Here is the code

I am trying to make a snake game in java but the thing i am trying to make is not a normal snake game. I want to make a snake game which is snake (player) can go to every direction (like in slither.io game). And i am trying to make a snake from circles.

Currently, the snake can pass through its own body, but this is against the rules. To fix this, you need to check the newly created snake head to see whether it coincideswith any of the other snake segments. To do this, create a checkCollision(GameObject) method in the Snake class.

The checkCollision(GameObject) method must return true if the coordinates of the passed object match with the coordinates of one of the snake segments. Also, in the move(Apple) method, add a check to see whether the new head collides with its body. If a collision occurs, set the isAlive variable to false.

In contrast, snake case uses an underscore between words to create separation. Variable names cannot contain spaces, which reduces readability when multiple words must be used to describe a variable's purpose. The underscore in a snake-cased variable tries to minimize this shortcoming.

Some languages, like Java, use snake case with all uppercase letters to indicate a variable is a constant. For example, INTEREST_RATE would be a Java constant. When all of the snake-cased letters are uppercase, this is known as screaming snake case.

Languages such as Java and Kotlin, which have a C and C++ heritage, use lower camel case for variables and methods, and upper camel case for reference types such as enums, classes and interfaces. Screaming snake case is used for variables.

When browser-based programming with HTML and JavaScript first emerged, snake case was a common approach to variable and method naming. But as object-oriented derivations of JavaScript, such as TypeScript, AngularJS and Node.JS, gained popularity, camel case has become the standard.

Variable naming conventions, such as snake case or camel case, are standardized differently for each programming language. Furthermore, independent software development teams often break these rules when corner cases are encountered.

But none of the management proposals put forward by the Indonesian government to regulate trade in the snakes is fully operational or effective, the Conservation Status and Impacts of Trade on the Oriental Rat Snake Ptyas mucosa in Java, Indonesia (PDF, 1.9 MB) report found.

Large numbers of the snakes are harvested and traded outside of existing regulations, and no marking of skins takes place, making it impossible to track them through the trade chain to point of export.

TRAFFIC interviewed 17 Oriental Rat Snake traders in Java. Just three of them were aware of a government-set quota on the number of specimens that can be traded legally each year. Several considered the species had become less common in recent years and that volumes in trade are only being maintained through increased collection effort; this is backed up by a trend for male snakes in trade becoming smaller.

In August 2007, Indonesian management authorities and TRAFFIC recommended studies be carried out to estimate rat snake population sizes accurately, with mapping of harvest areas and tougher action to curb illegal trade. 006ab0faaa

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