St. Margaret's 

Youth Group

Attention All Youth! 

We are back in person! Join us Sunday at 10:00am

Follow Us On:

Instagram: St.Margarets_youthgroup 

Contact Us:

Aubree Edwards

Joanne Livingston 

We want to hear for you even if its just to say "HI" :)

adapt and overcome

Clear is Kind

There are many rumors, misunderstandings, and misinformation circling around. Establishing clear and direct communication with family and government agencies such as WHO and CDC can provide clear realities. 

Unknowns can cause fear and confusion. They can trigger underlying emotions that we were unaware of in ourselves.

 People respond differently to being scared ( fight, flight, freeze, or fawn) and without proper knowledge sometime we prepare on the extreme side (Arguments/ hoarding in markets) 

Different responses such as anger and frustration can also been seen from closures or cancelling certain activities (school events, sports, ie.)   

These negative emotions provide us the opportunity to practice empathy. “Empathy is connecting to the emotions that underpin an experience”  As our community needs us most in protecting the vulnerable; We can all do our part together when we set aside our own understanding about what we can or can't do and embrace that we are here in the world interconnected with many layers of relationships around us. 

Make a List.......

Of the meaningful relationships in your life

Then look to the right for an activity using this list :) 

**If Nothing Goes Right... Go Left 

Lets have Fun

Time to Play and Relax. Reading, Writing, Art, Playing a Game, TV, Podcast, Audible Book, think about your purpose, pray

Don't compare. Comparison is the thief of joy. Social media is a culprit. No one can be you, the way you can, That’s God’s gift to you

Be Present. Have communications with those around you. Find interesting facts about them

Talk about your feelings. You are not alone. This is such an important life skill and integral to managing stressors

Review your list of meaningful relationships. Pick a few people to send an email or phone call to and let them know why they are important to you :)

 (If you're reading this add an exclamation mark & your favorite number to the end of your name on the survey below for an extra raffle submission)