
Smoking is hard to quit because it was designed to be:

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known, and cigarette makers have worked hard to ensure that their product is nearly impossible to give up.

I am horrified when I look around the internet and see the misinformation and junk that some people are trying to pass off as a solution to help people stop smoking.

Many of these unscrupulous people don't have any training at all. It is no wonder that their products do not work.

Some things (like your health!) are so important that you really need a professional.

Hi, I'm Joan Chionilos and my entire career is dedicated to helping people just like you quit smoking forever.

I've been a hypnotherapist for more than 18 years and I am certified by the National Guild of Hypnotherapists: the largest, oldest, and most respected association of hypnotherapists in the world.