Changing Skill Structure and COVID-19 (2020), Covid Economics, NBER press, Issue 45, August 28 2020. With Elena Mattana and Frederic Warzynski.
Coping with the Crisis and Export Diversification (2020), World Economy, Volume 43, Issue 5 (Special Issue: What Makes a Successful Exporter), May 2020. With Kaleb Girma and Frederic Warzynski.
Performance, Career Dynamics, and Span of Control (2019), Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 37, Number 4, October 2019. With Michael Waldman and Frederic Warzynski.
Rethinking De-Industrialization (2017), Economic Policy, Editor’s choice, Volume 32(89), 5-38. With Andrew Bernard and Frederic Warzynski. NBER working paper.
Can Firms Oversee More Workers with Fewer Managers (2017), IZA World of Labor, February 2017.
An Empirical Analysis of Post-Merger Organizational Integration (2016), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, March 2016. With Mike Gibbs and Kathryn Ierulli.
Estimating Productivity with Multi-Product Firms, Pricing Heterogeneity and the Role of International Trade (2013), Journal of International Economics, lead article, Volume 90 (2), 237-244. With Frederic Warzynski.
Wage Structure and Research Performance of U.S. Economics Departments: Distinguishing Incentives from Sorting (2012), Revue d´Economie Politique, (Special Issue on the Economics of Science), Volume 122 (4), 565-584. With Tom Coupé and Frederic Warzynski.
Does Input Quality Drive Measured Differences in Firm Productivity (2011), International Economic Review, lead article, Volume 52(4), 961-989. With Jeremy Fox. NBER working paper.
Small Open Economy Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Danish Transactions-Level Data (2009), Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift/Danish Economic Journal, Volume 147(2), 175-194. With Tor Eriksson and Frederic Warzynski.
Equal opportunities at Novo Nordisk (2008), World at Work, 16(4), 66-81. With Nikolaj Halse and Frederic Warzynski
Too Many Theories, Too Few Facts? What the Data Tell Us About the Link Between Span of Control, Compensation and Career Dynamics (2008), Labor Economics, Volume 15(4), 687-703. With Frederic Warzynski.
Does the Academic Labor Market Initially Allocate New Graduates Efficiently? (2006), Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 20(3), 161-172. With Tom Coupé and Frederic Warzynski.
Incentives, Sorting and Productivity along the Career: Evidence from a Sample of Top Economists (2006), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Volume 20(1), 137-167. With Tom Coupé and Frederic Warzynski.
Job Creation, Job Destruction and Voting Behavior in Poland (2006), European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 20, 503-519. With Frederic Warzynski.
Working Papers
Formation of Human Capital in the Modern Economy (2024), with Lin Tian and Sharon Traiberman. Draft coming soon.
High-Skill Immigration, Offshoring R&D, and Firm Dynamics (2023), with Jingting Fan and Eunhee Lee. R&R, Review of Economic Studies. CEPR working paper. Vox EU Column.
Heterogenous Globalization: Offshoring and Reorganization (2023), with Andrew Bernard, Teresa Fort and Frederic Warzynski. R&R, Review of Economics and Statistics. NBER Working Paper.
Multi-Product Firms, Import Competition, and the Evolution of Firm-product Technical Efficiencies (2023), with Emmanuel Dhyne, Amil Petrin and Frederic Warzynski. R&R, Journal of International Economics. NBER Working Paper.
Physical Productivity and Exceptional Exporter Performance: Evidence from a Chinese Production Survey (2023), with Yao Amber Li and Frederic Warzynski. R&R, Journal of Development Economics.
Theory for Extending Single-Product Production Function Estimation to Multi-Product Settings (2022), with Emmanuel Dhyne, Amil Petrin and Frederic Warzynski. NBER working paper.