Math of Voting

Welcome to MATH180

There's a lot to do before our first meeting on Tuesday:

  1. Watch the introductory video right here.

  2. Read the syllabus below.

  3. Fill out the learning survey below by Monday 1/4 at 8pm EST.

  4. Go to the Weekly Assignments page and watch the linked video.

  5. Complete the first assignment (also on the Weekly Assignments page) and submit it through the Google Form by Tuesday at 1pm EST.

  6. Use the Zoom link for appointments below to attend class each Tuesday from 1-3pm EST.


SMC students only: please complete the survey

by 8pm EST on Monday January 4th.


+1 Extra Credit point for interesting links/videos you recommend if I add them to this list!


A Mathematical Look at Politics by Robinson and Ullman

Mathematics and Politics by Taylor and Pacelli

The Mathematics of Voting and Apportionment by El-Helaly

and a handful of others


StandUpMaths - a YouTube channel featuring videos about mathematics; three recent ones are about the 2020 election

CGP Grey - a YouTube channel with several videos about different voting methods, gerrymandering, and the electoral college. All of these are at least six years old

Articles and Links:

A list of articles compiled by the Mathematical Association of America (I recommend you scroll down and read articles in Math Horizons, Mathematics Magazine, Convergence, and The College Mathematics Journal.)

Some of the articles from the Feature Column from the American Mathematics Society (specifically those about voting, apportionment, and redistricting)

NYTimes article (with lots of links!) about mathematics and gerrymandering

A gerrymandering primer and another one with lots of interesting podcasts

Part of a course on mathematics on social justice from Milton Academy

Wikipedia's page on Electoral Systems

To Build a Better Ballot by Nicki Case

NYTimes Gerrymandering Game