Easy-to-use math calculator that immediately computes the result as you type a math expression. It allows to calculate multiple math expressions at the same time. It also allows defining your own variables and functions that can be set to a value or other math expressions. It has a beautiful user-interface that conveniently allows you to directly edit the expression or if you prefer use the visual key pad to enter new expressions. There is support for over 20 math functions.

Smart Math Calculator aims to help users perform complex mathematical equations with a deep list of functions. Thanks to its simple interface and helpful features, this program has the ability to help even those who are not natural mathematicians.

Smart Math Calculator Download

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This program's interface is certain to overwhelm anyone who has never used a scientific calculator before (it features a full range of equations and function buttons), but should look normal to those who have calculated equations using similar physical models in the past. While the program looks and operates like a traditional calculator, its interface shines with a Help file that not only discusses each key's function, but also provides basic tutorials on variables, expressions, and functions. Inputting calculations proved to be simple and more intuitive than a physical calculator. By typing numbers using your keyboard and selecting calculations using the mouse, the program automatically gives the answer, eliminating the step of clicking the equal key. In addition to its quick calculations, the program provides helpful features like a library of equations and functions. In addition, scrolling our mouse over the various function keys showcased a small window that detailed what this key does and even an example of how we could use it, which is a big boost for newcomers.

Thanks to its more than helpful features and ease of use, this free program provides an excellent alternative to expensive physical calculators. This is a great download for any budding mathematician.

What is the smartest way to design a math parser? What I mean is a function that takes a math string (like: "2 + 3 / 2 + (2 * 5)") and returns the calculated value? I did write one in VB6 ages ago but it ended up being way to bloated and not very portable (or smart for that matter...). General ideas, psuedo code or real code is appreciated.

I wrote a few blog posts about designing a math parser. There is a general introduction, basic knowledge about grammars, sample implementation written in Ruby and a test suite. Perhaps you will find these materials useful.

Alternatively you could create an actual parser and generate a little parse tree that is then used to evaluate the expression. Again this is pretty simple for basic expressions. Check out codeplex as I believe they have a math parser on there. Or just look up BNF which will include examples. Any website introducing compiler concepts will include this as a basic example.

I know this is old, but I came across this trying to develop a calculator as part of a larger app and ran across some issues using the accepted answer. The links were IMMENSELY helpful in understanding and solving this problem and should not be discounted. I was writing an Android app in Java and for each item in the expression "string," I actually stored a String in an ArrayList as the user types on the keypad. For the infix-to-postfix conversion, I iterated through each String in the ArrayList, then evaluated the newly arranged postfix ArrayList of Strings. This was fantastic for a small number of operands/operators, but longer calculations were consistently off, especially as the expressions started evaluating to non-integers. In the provided link for Infix to Postfix conversion, it suggests popping the Stack if the scanned item is an operator and the topStack item has a higher precedence. I found that this is almost correct. Popping the topStack item if it's precedence is higher OR EQUAL to the scanned operator finally made my calculations come out correct. Hopefully this will help anyone working on this problem, and thanks to Justin Poliey (and fas?) for providing some invaluable links.

The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants.

Smart Math Calculator makes it easy to do mathematical calculations. It is similar to a scientific calculator with features such as base conversion (binary, oct, hex, etc.), equation solver, and recursive functions. With support for more than 1000 digits, this calculator offers high precision.

When you own property, you are subject to taxes levied by the county and district. You can input your zip code or town name using our property tax calculator to see the average effective tax rate in your area.

All of which is to say: The unexpected can happen, and often does. The best you can do is to develop a solid plan based on the information you have now. Don't let retirement savings statistics get you down. A retirement calculator can help you see how you are doing so far and what you need to change to make your retirement goals. By setting goals and meeting them, you give yourself the opportunity for a rich and rewarding retirement.

'Smart Number cruncher-A voice based calculator' is an electronic device which perform lengthy calculations. Traditional calculator uses key input to perform calculations, which is time consuming process. Present invention developed a new way of calculation. Smart number cruncher provides two modes of calculation, first mode is text mode and second mode is voice mode. Text mode performs mathematical calculation by typing numbers and symbols which is same as normal calculator. Voice mode takes voice input from user in the form of speech and performs mathematical calculation. Voice mode gives output in the form of voice only. This mode of calculation is easier than the regular text mode. Voice mode based calculation is useful for physically handicapped people. Smart number cruncher is user friendly since this system supports multiple regional languages. Smart number cruncher is based on various languages, initially user have to select the mode that is text mode or voice mode. On selection of voice mode user have to select language to perform mathematical calculation. Switching between regular text mode and voice mode, mathematical calculation, language selection all operations are done by micro-controller. All the operations done by voice mode are same as regular text mode internally. Proposed device is useful for the physically handicapped person as well as illiterate people. It saves lot of time wasted on lengthy calculations done by regular calculators. User doesn't have to press any type of keys in the voice based calculator. Smart Number Cruncher is affordable to common people and easy to use.

Let me elaborate. In schools, the most valued kind of mathematical competence is typically quick and accurate calculation. There is nothing wrong with being a fast and accurate calculator: a facility with numbers and algorithms no doubt reflects important mathematical proclivities. But if our goal is to address status issues and broaden classroom participation in an authentically mathematical way, we need to broaden our notions of what mathematical competence looks like. e24fc04721

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