Virtual Conference on Prokaryotic Small Proteins

January 12-14, 2021

15:30 – 19:00 Europe / 9:30 am – 1:00 pm EST

A virtual conference focused on the discovery and analysis of small proteins and small ORFs in prokaryotic systems.

Organizers: Todd Gray, Kai Papenfort, Gigi Storz and Joe Wade.

Questions? Send us an email

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tina Henkin, editor at the Journal of Bacteriology (JB), has proposed a special issue focused on the "Small Proteins, Big Questions" conference. All speakers and poster presenters at the conference have the opportunity to submit original research or minireviews to JB related to the meeting presentations. These papers, along with a meeting review, will be bundled in a special issue of JB. This is a great opportunity to highlight this exciting emerging field.

There will be a submission deadline of June 1, 2021. Papers will go through the normal submission and review process, with Dr. Henkin serving as editor for all of the manuscripts. JB has a rapid days-to-first-decision process. Please contact Dr. Henkin ( with any questions, and let her know if you plan to submit a manuscript so she can send instructions to ensure that your manuscript is appropriately designated in the JB system.