Grow Your Small Business with SEO Services

Our Small Business SEO Services can provide data-driven Search Engine Optimization solutions to ensure that prospects find you when searching for your products & services.

Most searchers don’t click on ads!

Search ads can be a great way to drive new business profitably, but 95% of searchers skip the ads and go directly to the regular, non-paid organic search results. Your small business needs to be there, as many people associate Google’s trust in your website as a business they’d like to work with. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is broken down into 5 parts:

  • Standard Desktop and Mobile SEO

  • Local SEO

  • Voice SEO

  • Video SEO (YouTube)

  • Reputation Management

We start with keywords search and business analysis

What searches are most relevant for people looking for your business:

We start by learning as much as we can about your products, services, and the target market for each. We’ll focus on your best customers, and then reverse engineer how those people would search when looking for you. We also look at the top competitors in your industry to see what they are spending on for PPC, and which keywords they are naturally ranking for. Once we narrow down this list, we extract all possible synonyms and variations.

We then look at the following to determine where to focus:

  • Results of ad spend for those keywords (if you have a PPC campaign running)

  • Monthly search volume in your target market

  • Relevancy: We help you see conversion-focused keywords versus informational searches

  • Difficulty: If your site is new, you should avoid difficult searches initially until you’ve built up authority in Google’s eyes

If you have a large number of products and services, we also look to initially focus on the certain areas of your offering:

  • Profitability

  • Less competition, unique offering

  • Highest historical conversion rates

  • Easiest close rates if we are passing leads to your sales team

Small Business SEO On-Page Optimization

Once we choose which keywords we should focus on for a particular page, we need to optimize the following page elements for those keywords:

Once we’ve initially tuned the page, we come back later and work on improving click-through rates of your page. We run experiments to encourage more people to click through to your site, and at the same time, make the page more appealing so that future customers stay on your page longer. Google values both and many consider these to be ranking factors.

In parallel with Keyword Research and On-Page Optimization, we need to build up the authority of your site in Google’s eyes. Links from other relevant high-authority websites are still considered the top ranking factor for Google to decide to place your site on page 1 for your target terms.

SEO Off-Page Optimization, or Link Building

We don’t like to call it “link building,” mainly because that implies that you are manually placing links on websites and pages that allow you to do this freely. Google does not value these types of links (e.g.: blog comments, generic forums, and social bookmarks).

The best links are earned by content that provides value to your future customers. Our Content Marketing Services are specifically designed to build content that earns links. When we build content for your brand, we have found that the following content types work best:

  • Data Visualization

  • Infographics

  • Resources (the best answer or repository of information about Topic X)

  • Industry Statistics

  • Case Studies & How-to’s

The team is also highly experienced in finding other creative ways of encouraging other site owners, bloggers and journalists to link to your site:

HARO: (Help a reporter out) We scour this site for opportunities for you to be included as an expert reference when a journalist needs this for a future piece. These come fast and must be researched daily.

Guest Posting: Frequently, sites are looking for experts to post topics useful for their audiences. We hunt these opportunities down in your industry, then pitch and win guest posting spots. Your brand and expert are then featured in front of their audience

Mentions: Your company & brand will be mentioned online. We have the tools to pick these up near real-time. In cases where the mention is positive, we quickly reach out to the author to thank them for the coverage, and also politely ask them to link back to your site so that their audience can click through and visit. If the coverage is negative, we quickly let you know so that you can reach out and fix the problem before it turns into a reputation or negative PR issue.

Broken Link Building: Sometimes your competitors mistakenly delete content on their site that has already earned some links from other websites. If you have similar content on your site, it is an opportunity to reach out to the linking sites, let them know about the missing content, and have them redirect to your site. In most cases site owners are quite happy to fix this as it provides a better user experience for their readers.

Stolen Images and Content: Sometimes your custom images and content are re-used on the internet without giving attribution to the content creator (you!). We have the tools and process to detect when this happens, then reach out to the person who used your intellectual property, and request attribution (a link!) to your website. Often times they oblige. If they do not, we promptly file a DMCA request to have this unauthorized content taken down.

Industry News: If your blog is first to cover breaking industry news, journalists will be quick to reference you post. Timely outreach to industry journalists can accelerate this process.

Other techniques: As we benchmark your competitors and uncover the best performing content in the industry, we’ll often find unique tactics that acquire links.

Our SEO Full-Service SEO company looks at link building similarly to how we look at Pay Per Click (PPC): There are thousands of possible methods to achieve success. Based on years and years of outreach, we identify the method we think will work best, but run a series of tests to validate our educated assumptions. If tactics perform better than others, we adjust accordingly.

All of this hard work will be futile if the technical fundamentals of your website are not in place.

Technical SEO Audits

We will perform an initial audit upon launch, and then monthly maintenance checks to make sure nothing is broken as you are adding new content to your site:

  • Page speed: This is critical to Google, as well as your website visitors. Slow loading increases bounce rate and decreases conversions.

  • Robots.txt and Sitemap: These tools ensure that Google’s crawlers visit your priority pages as frequently as possible, and ignore non-critical pages.

  • Broken Links: If you delete content on your site and other pages are linking to it, you need to update those links. Not doing so provides bad user experience, as most people leave a site when they experience your “404 page”.

  • Duplicate Content: Sometimes your content management system will unknowingly create duplicate pages across your site or duplicate tags. We scan for this and correct it as it happens. Too much of this can encourage Google to reduce the visibility of your site.

  • Mobile Usability: In 2018, Google introduced this as a negative ranking factor. We’ve built a tool to find cases where your site ranks differently on desktop than it does on mobile, and highlights it as a potential issue.

Fully Automated Reporting

Most agencies report monthly on SEO. Our automated platform allows you to see results in real time:

  • Inquiries and Conversions from SEO, and which pages delivered

  • Traffic Improvement by page, or grouped by different parts of your site

  • Keyword Rankings

  • Keyword Opportunities

  • Links

FAQ's About Small Business SEO services

What is SEO and how does it work?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the process of optimizing your website to drive organic traffic for search engines like Google and Bing. This means tweaking various elements of your site to make it more “attractive” to search engines. The end goal of SEO is to rank high on results pages when users search using keywords related to your website.

How long does it take to rank on SERPs?

The answer depends because there are many factors to consider: budget, website age/strength, competition, etc. Generally, it takes 3-6 months to see dramatic results, but only if you do it right. This isn’t so bad considering the average result on page one is more than 2 years old, while those that rank #1 are roughly 3 years old on average.

What are the most important ranking factors?

Google utilizes more than 200 ranking factors in their algorithm, which makes it all the more necessary to work with a knowledgeable SEO team to help you rank on the search results. Some of the most crucial ranking factors are:

  • Backlink profile

  • Social signals

  • Mobile-friendliness

  • Content quality

  • Page speed

  • Optimized media (images + video)

  • User Experience (UX)

How can you get penalized by Google?

Google penalizes websites if they fail to abide by their Webmaster Guidelines. SEO strategies that engage in illicit practices or suspicious behavior to manipulate the rankings can result in a Google penalty. When this happens, the site can either drop in rankings for a specific keyword or disappear on the SERPs altogether. Getting penalized can negatively affect a brand’s visibility, traffic, and revenue.

What types of businesses does SEO work for?

Whether a business is new or old, big or small, struggling or successful, website optimization can bring about many benefits for any company as it can improve brand visibility and accessibility. If you want your target audience to find you online quickly, you need SEO. The earlier and longer you invest in SEO, the better payout you’ll get from it in return.

Is SEO dead?

SEO definitely isn’t dead. In fact, 61% of marketers say enhancing SEO and growing their organic presence is their top inbound marketing priority. However, it’s not the same as it used to be and things are constantly evolving. What’s working today might not work tomorrow. So, successful SEO strategies need to be flexible.

The reality is: SEO remains an essential part of digital marketing unless the way people search for content dramatically changes.