Spintronic Materials and Applications laboratory (SMAL)


The Spintronic Materials and Applications Lab. (SMAL) is led by Professor J.–R. Jeong. Our research group is concerned with developing novel nanomaterials by the design and fabrication of new types of nanocomposites for spintronic, biomedical, and electronic applications and understanding of underlying physics of nanomaterials.

Hightlighted researchs

Enhanced spin pumping via nonlocal magnons

YIG grown by MOD method

Holmium Iron Garnet

MIMS Nano Structure

Thulium Iron Garnet film

Yttrium Iron Garnet film

Bismuth-Yttrium Iron Garnet film

Gadolinium Iron Garnet film

Multiple architectures materials 

Finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulation

Multi-layers temperature profile simulation

Fabrication & measurement system

Laser-based SSE Measurement System 

Joule heating SSE Measurement System 

FTS-Shamrock Sputtering System

Facing sputtering system

DC-RF sputtering (on-axis)

Vibration Sample Magnetometer (VSM)

Super Kanthal (furnace)

Ball Milling


Plasma Treatment System 


Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) system

2 Zones CVD system