After wasting time, as usual, with Dropbox's assistance, I try to ask here. My problem is relatively simple to explain and consists in the fact that if I use Windows Explorer, navigating in the Dropbox folder is torture since any operation it's very slow (creating a folder, copying a file, etc...) while if I use, for example (but it couldn't be the solution) a file explorer like Explorer++ everything works perfectly. Another thing I verified is that if I navigate to the Dropbox folder from a Windows window that opens for example when I want to open/save a file, everything works without problems. The problem remains confined to windows explorer. Can anybody help me? Thank you

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Hi everyone, I'm using Dropbox (firmware n. 166.3.2831) on my gaming laptop running Windows 11. Everything run smoothly until some days ago, when Dropbox suddenly became very slow when clicking to open folder or file: it takes MANY seconds (10-15 seconds at least). This causes a huge slowdown in the user experience, I can't even work in these circumstances.

Of course this is a problem related to the Dropbox folder only, local folders run as smooth as they should.

How can I fix that? Thanks.

EDIT: apparently there's a conflict between Dropbox and iCloud for Windows; deleting the latter, Dropbox app works.

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I just tried this suggestion and installed the stable build. I wasn't sure whether to install the standard installer or the offline installer (doesn't appear to be a 64 bit), so I tried both of them. No difference. It takes forever to open a small file; no difference as to what type of file they are all opening too slow to be acceptable.

The problem I've encountered involves a significant delay when using keyboard arrow keys for scrolling within the Dropbox folder. Additionally, the search function within Dropbox is also affected by this sluggish behaviour.

A growing frustration is that any updates made will either not take effect at all, take several seconds to reflect in the Connected Boards widget, or just never show up in the widget and we have to refresh to see the changes. Given the slow loading times, this only exacerbates the issue.

Does anybody have any tips on how we can speed up our Monday? If we were to fracture our contact board into several smaller boards, is there a way to quickly maintain all the two-way connections we have between our contact board and all our separate deals boards?

Thanks for pinpointing this issue! In fact, one of the effective ways to speed up board creation and simplify contact management is through CRM automation. This can be done in your CRM software by creating multiple workflows that are equipped with AI (Artificial Intelligence). Ultimately, the goal of CRM automation is to improve loading times and make workflows smoother. With CRM automation, you can connect multiple boards, so that data gets updated synchronously. This way, you can quickly maintain all the bi-directional connections.

Here in 2024, we are still experiencing this issue. Pages take awhile to load, text is deleted as it is typed because it is not registering the key taps, pages stutter and glitch and columns cannot be edited until a full page reload is performed.

I have also noticed that if I try to do batch actions on Connect Boards columns on boards, that it can take 10+ seconds to update (sometimes resulting in a crash, again, requiring restarting the browser).

Been trying to deal with this for months, the more we use Monday that slower is gets, we even upgraded to enterprise but no difference has been seen, screens load slow, changes sometimes get lost while things are buffering, this is across different platforms and team members across the US.

It is not always slow, but it has times where it just doesn't allow me to work as I should. I tried closing all other apps and windows, restarting my device and re-opening the workflows. None of this really help as if it started doing this, it seems to be consistent for a couple of days. I then finish what I'm busy with, with some frustration, and when I get back to Alteryx in a couple days, it runs better before running into the same issues.

I have the same issue with the same version, which is something I've never previously experienced in 4 years of using the product. Have you resolved it? I keep checking for updates and have also installed the patch without success.

I've experienced this across multiple versions, don't really have a solution, but a couple of situations and half-workaround,

I do believe mapping macros (Likely from a network shared drive location) can cause this (If i work without connecting to my vpn, thus not connecting to the macros, I experience no lag, if I do connect I do experience the lag).

Also I experience this worse as my workflow gets bigger/more complex (nested macros...)

But you can disable "Auto configure" which helps but it does suck to lose this functionality, I believe auto configure will rescan the macros or something after every change in the workflow

If I disconnect from the internet, the workflow UI is a quick experience again. 

I'm not sure what they changed, but the program is horrifically slow. I would say unusable. It should not take 35 seconds to paste a single formula tool.

im suffering with slowness, yesterday i decided to go visit IT they wiped my profile, as the install we have at work actually adds to your LOCAL folder, increasing the folder size by 2.8GB. ive now installed to a developer area i have, which horribly added ELEVATED, so canvas wasnt DRAG and DROP-ABLE. i have now just moved that folder to a c:\nonad\ folder, and its seeming to be working without elevated. "WIN".

but its still really slow, not responding window, and even windows has crashed messages. I removed the default view of SQL connections from VISUAL back to text. This speeds up that portion, but from reading above, someone else removed some auto config on macros. Maybe theres some logic being performed, which slows down. i will need to find a way to make this software run lean.

Has anyone found a fix to this? I've had it now for about a month (version 2023.2.1.7 on Windows 11). Don't know what triggered it, but can't seem to make it run like it used to. I've tried uninstalling/re-installing, rolling back to a prior version, all to no avail. Only thing that makes it more responsive is to turn off the auto-configure... but you really shouldn't have to!

My daily use of my base involves a lot of calculations. Lately, AT is slow to the point of being unusable while doing these calculations. The base just hangs at "saving" until I manually refresh. I've split the base into four so that the base I'm now working in has a quarter of the records I used to work with, but this has not improved performance. Is there anything else I can try?

Can you share the app/maps? I'd be curious to see the complexity of the layers and how they are performing. Have you played around with the 'Developer Tools' in Chrome or Firefox - they are great for looking at loading times of various layers/features to pinpoint what might be the issue.

Hey there, thank you for the suggestion, we have not played around with the developer tools in Chrome or Firefox yet. That would be a great start. Do you have specific tools you could suggest? Is it a plugin of some kind?

Here is the link to the last map we received input on. I want to say that it's a user issue- bandwidth, location, platform- but this slowness issue sounds like it's a fairly common thing amongst Experience Builder maps.

So - here is a basic video of me loading the website in Chrome - you can follow along and do the same thing (which I would recommend). The biggest issue I am seeing - is that fact that there are ALOT of layers... and even though they are 'hidden'... they are still getting cached/loaded up... 152ee80cbc

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