Gambler's Oasis was founded on the principal of providing top quality casino slot machines and gaming devices to your home at the most reasonable price. Whether you want one slot machine or twenty slot machines, your home game room can become an oasis, a refuge, a haven for fun for you, your family and friends.

Playing on a gambling machine is playing a game of chance. There are often many millions of different possible outcomes of a game. The chances of getting a particular prize outcome may vary significantly for each game. Not all games or machines have the same number of possible outcomes.

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One essential element that all machines (non-skill based games) share is the outcome is determined by CHANCE ONLY. CHANCE ONLY determines the outcome of any game, there is no play method or pattern that effects whether a game is winning or losing. Also, because outcomes are CHANCE ONLY, machines do not adjust to a string of winning or losing games causing them to be "due" for a win/loss. CHANCE ONLY means that it is not possible to predict the outcome of the next game.

Modern gaming machines use computer technology to operate their functions. Slot machine outcomes are determined unsing a Random Number Generator (RNG) which is a mathematically-based program that selects groups of numbers to determine which symbols are selected to produce a winning or losing outcome. Each symbol is chosen randomly and the selection of that symbol is not influenced by outside factors like previous outcomes of winning/losing history.

Playing casino slots can be a fun (and sometimes addictive) hobby. These machines can bombard your senses with lights, sounds, or vibrations, all of which are designed to entice you to play either in a casino or online. Because of their ability to draw attention, slot machines tend to be the most popular type of game at a casino. Before playing the games make sure you are a responsible player and do not have any addiction issues. Anxious to join in on the fun? Here's how.

Probably has been posted here before, I don't come here much. But in BL2 I find that the vendors and vending machines never really offer anything good, the slot machines always have the best gear, even the green loot I find to be pretty good most of the time. Yet in TPS, getting something blue feels like a more uncommon experience and the green loot is usually pretty crappy, but the vending machines almost always have a blue loot or better. Any reason for this? To prevent my horrible slot machine addiction?

I may be stubborn or as my wife say " pig headed " but sometimes it is hard to believe the slot machines are totally random. After reading post after post about this it made me think. In the show American Casino. There was an episode where Michael Tata was staying at the Green Valley Ranch casino for many long hours. The progressive jackpot on a bank of slot machines had to hit before the jackpot reached a certain amount. I even think I have even heard about this at other casinos. If this is the case are they really random if they have to hit before the jackpot reaches a certain amount? Totally random to me means they can hit at any time. If they have to hit by a certain amount they have to be programed to do that.

Video poker and games like that are random, giving a better chance to win at those. Regular slot machines are timed, not random. But its just luck getting on the right slot to have it timed out to your advantage!! :)

The only folks who have truly random number generators, at least given the expected lifespan of the universe are those guys at the secret NSA lab in San Jose. But as far as you are concerned they are random. The lack of true randomability is measured in probably weeks. Not enough to do you any good. If you are thinking you could count pulls on a slot and figure out when it's due to hit... forget it. And if someone could figure it all out... a simple chip change would make it at least 10 times harder.

The machines are programed by computer. Yes they can generate RNG when there spinning,but the master computer tells it all. They can program them to hit for a total of one hour every four or one hour every three but with low payouts. After dealing with casinos and serviceing them for years I can tell you it works this way. Why do you think everybody is saying slots are extremely tight right now. They have programed them to pay out on a level of one thru six. Payout of being one. Yes the have no memory but thy can not payout significant payouts when they are set to pay low.

random vs "programmed" we seem to have rational and informed opinions on each side.I'm hearing and sensing that the popular video games have a program and or timer as to when the bonus rounds will occur...must admit I really don't know what to believe as I have believed that random pay outs were the case ie. $1 machines paid out at a higher rate compared to .25 machines but having said that wouldn't that mean that they were programmed but not timed ??

Studies by a Brown University psychiatrist, Robert Breen, have found that individuals who regularly play slots become addicted three to four times faster (in one year, versus three and a half years) than those who play cards or bet on sports.

The particular addictiveness of modern slots has to do with the solitary, continuous, rapid wagering they enable. It is possible to complete a game every three to four seconds, with no delay between one game and the next. Some machine gamblers become so caught up in the rhythm of play that it dampens their awareness of space, time and monetary value.

From April 29 to May 1, 2008, the Palais des Congrs de Montral in Montral, Quebec, hosted the 12th annual Canadian Gaming Summit. In a massive showroom, slot machine makers from across the country presented their wares: tall, noisy boxes decorated with images of pigs and pirates and martini glasses.

Though diverse in appearance, all slot machines, according to some mental health experts, have something in common: they are psychologically deceptive and make gambling addicts of people who aren't predisposed to addictions.

Problem gambling prevalence studies show that gambling addicts are much more likely to play electronic gaming machines (slot machines, poker machines, video lottery terminals) than table games like blackjack. A 2003 survey indicated that almost half of video lottery terminal players in Nova Scotia were at risk for problem gambling. The Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission reported in 2003 that 71% of its clients with gambling addictions had no problems before playing video lottery terminals. One study found that some 60% of gaming machine revenue in Canada comes from problem gamblers. By contrast, problem gamblers accounted for less than a quarter of lottery and bingo revenues (Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 2004;4[1]:33-45).

Canadians hooked on gaming machines suffer little inconvenience in finding their next fix. Ontario has about 22 000 gaming machines, all slots. Quebec has a mix of slots and video lottery terminals, almost 19 000 in total. In Newfoundland, where bars have no competition from casinos or racetracks, there are about 2500 video lottery terminals: per capita, 3 times more than Ontario.

All those machines make for big profits. Of the $4.7 billion reaped by Ontario's gambling industry in fiscal year 2006/07, $3 billion came from slot machines. The percentage of fiscal year 2006/07 gambling revenues from electronic gaming machines in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta was 79% (of $615 million), 83% (of $535 million) and 87% (of $2.2 billion), respectively.

As a result, says Horbay, many people have been led to believe they are suffering from cognitive distortion when, in reality, they are reaching proper conclusions based on misleading information. Research out of the University of Waterloo shows that the features of a typical slot machine suggest that players should win about 2 to 5 times the amount they wager, which, if true, would mean casinos lose money on slots (Journal of Gambling Issues 2007;20:215-33). Logic dictates that casinos wouldn't line their floors with row upon row of slot machines if they weren't cash cows. But critics of gambling practices claim the devices condition users to abandon logic.

The Waterloo research paper indicates virtual reel mapping also increases the probability that winning combinations will appear just above or below the payline, which, according to addiction experts, makes gamblers believe they are always on the verge of winning. Gamblers are also largely unaware that the reels on slot machines are often unbalanced. On a 3-reel machine, for example, a winning symbol may appear more often on the first 2 reels than on the last. Many modern gaming machines use electronic animation instead of reels, but a disconnect remains between how the game is displayed and how it actually operates. Other features considered deceptive by critics include differing symbol sizes (winning symbols are larger), stop buttons (give the illusion of control though the outcome is determined on initial wager) and frequent small wins (accompanied by flashing lights and bells).

Horbay, however, considers machine gaming the most addictive, and yet least regulated, form of gambling. Casinos would never get away with using loaded dice or with stacking a deck of cards, he says, which are akin to the deceptive features of gaming machines. He proposes that the government phase out virtual reel mapping (already illegal in Australia and New Zealand) and unbalanced reels. Gamblers would also suffer fewer problems, he says, if electronic gaming machines displayed how much they stand to lose on each bet.

Figure. It may seem as if uncertainties shroud slot machines and other electronic gaming machines, but several things are clear: they're a cash cow for governments and use technologies that are considered deceptive. Image by: sweetandsour /

With the casino event now making cartel market certificates available, I've been looking for guildships/strongholds on the public listings to see which ones had a slot machine I could play to level underworld rep. e24fc04721

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