Shali Jiang

Office: Jolley Hall 515 E-mail: jiang.s at wustl dot edu


I'm currently a Research Scientist at Facebook. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis in May 2020, advised by Prof. Roman Garnett. My research interests are machine learning, active learning, Bayesian optimization, deep learning.

Before coming to US, I worked at Baidu for five months at the Fengchao department. Before that I got my Master's degree in Computer Science from Tianjin University, working on computer-aided tongue diagnosis. I also worked closely with Yong Liu on model selection for kernel methods, under the supervision of Prof. Shizhong Liao. I got my Bacholor's degree in Computer Science also from Tianjin University.


2020/6/22: started full-time at Facebook!

2020/6/1: BINOCULARS accepted to ICML 2020!

2020/5/18: successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation!

2019/12/8: presenting my papers at NeurIPS 2019 in Vancouver!

2019/12/5: giving a talk at MRS 2019 in Boston (

2019/11/5: Proposal defense, 9-11am, Jolley Hall 431.

2019/9/3: Two papers accepted by NeurIPS 2019!

2019/6/3: Excited to join Ads ML Modeling team at Facebook for a summer internship!

2018/12/3: Attending NeurIPS 2018, presenting our paper on Thursday.

2018/9/4: NeurIPS paper accepted for spotlight presentation.

2018/6/4: Started internship at Google, Mountain View, CA.

2017/12/3: Presenting a paper at NeurIPS BayesOpt Workshop, Long Beach, CA.

2017/8/5: Presenting a paper at ICML at Sydney, Australia.

2017/5/13: ICML paper accepted.
