Slim U-Net: Efficient Anatomical Feature Preserving U-net Architecture for Ultrasound Image Segmentation

Deepak Raina*, Kashish Verma*, SH Chandrashekhara and Subir Kumar Saha


We investigate the applicability of U-Net based models for segmenting Urinary Bladder (UB) in male pelvic view UltraSound (US) images. The segmentation of UB in the US image aids radiologists in diagnosing the UB. However, UB in US images has arbitrary shapes, indistinct boundaries and considerably large inter- and intra-subject variability, making segmentation a quite challenging task. Our study of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) segmentation network, U-Net, for the problem reveals that it often fails to capture the salient characteristics of UB due to the varying shape and scales of anatomy in the noisy US image. Also, U-net has an excessive number of trainable parameters, reporting poor computational efficiency during training. We propose a Slim U-Net to address the challenges of UB segmentation. Slim U-Net proposes to efficiently preserve the salient features of UB by reshaping the structure of U-Net using a less number of 2D convolution layers in the contracting path, in order to preserve and impose them on expanding path. To effectively distinguish the blurred boundaries, we propose a novel annotation methodology, which includes the background area of the image at the boundary of a marked region of interest (RoI), thereby steering the model's attention towards boundaries. In addition, we suggested a combination of loss functions for network training in the complex segmentation of UB. The experimental results demonstrate that Slim U-net is statistically superior to U-net for UB segmentation. The Slim U-net further decreases the number of trainable parameters and training time by 54% and 57.7%, respectively, compared to the standard U-Net, without compromising the segmentation accuracy.

Key Contributions

  • We proposed a segmentation framework by reshaping the structure of standard U-Net using lesser number of 2D convolution layers to preserve simple features extracted in the initial 2D convolution at each stage and imposing them on the expanding path. The reduction in convolution operations will help in avoiding the speckle noise-induced complexity of features, resulting in better segmentation.

  • Considering the boundary of anatomical structure as an important clue for the segmentation model, we propose a new annotation methodology to consider the background area at the bounds of RoI to steer the model's attention towards the boundaries of UB.

  • We propose utilizing a combination of loss functions for training the network in order to extract fine-grained features of the bladder.

Model Architecture

Key Results


  • Paper - Published in 2022 9th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering - Link coming soon

  • Source Code and Dataset - For accessing the source code and dataset, kindly drop an email to the corresponding author.


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