My site is I am quite familiar with the Revolution Slider plugin, having used it on several other websites previously. However, for some reason this version of Revolution Slider will not allow me to size my images properly.

Having this way, your images will not be cut off because it just fits the slider wrapper. If you want to have a responsive slider, you probably need to increase the sizes of your images to more that 1200350.

Slider Image


I am new to Webflow and wanting to make the hero image on my homepage be a slider and have a static headline, paragraph and button overlayed on top. Having trouble getting the two to interact in the way I am looking for.

Here is more specifics on what I am trying to do. My header (hero) image is set to 620 px tall and 100% width. I want the text to be centered vertically and horizontally in the slider and have a max width of 1140px.

See the link below. Yes, I used this resource to build the other other on my homepage which you will see in the link. I am just having problems making the text be static and the slider being behind the text.

I don't see any styles on the slider, slide OR image that could be causing the image to not resize. There is no height or width attribute set on the actual image itself. Furthermore, there is only one image in the slider.

Thanks for writing in! As Revolution Slider is a 3rd party plugin, regretfully, we have limited support for it that only covers its compatibility issues with X. So questions related to transitions, animations or how the certain feature of the slider works, would be getting outside the support we can offer. You may refer to Revolution Slider online documentation:

My test website includes several images, with different width and height. To fix this I have to re-size them to have the same width and height, and I also need to center them because of the width-height ratios.

Hey, for the past weeks I'm trying to figure out how to recreate this image slider: in Elementor Pro. I talked to some friends who know some CSS and they told me that it's very difficult to recreate it exactly like that, as the website above was built with Squarespace.

In addition I also want no visible arrows left and right - the cursor should just turn into an arrow, when you hover over the image. So for example if you hover over the left side of the image the cursor should turn into an arrow pointing to the left. Same for the right side.

Hi all,

I am doing a lot of manual analysis on multi-channel timelapses (only 1 Z-slice), for which I need to navigate through time in my timelapse data. It would save me a lot of time (and wrist movement) if I could get to the next/previous frame without having to go each time to the time slider under the image. Does anyone know a keyboard shortcut for that, or a way to re-order the sliders in a hyperstack so that the time slider would be controlled by the mouse wheel (instead of the channel slider in my case)?

Thank you for your help!

Is there a image slider template which i can use and then add my own css to it. I have tried looking on the hubspot marketplace, but couldn't find a decent image slider. I have also tried cloning the image slider custom module, however i cant seem to add this to my webpages (wondering if this isn't supported anymore??)

The above will let you hard code your slider but if you want to let users add new slides at the page level, you can create fields on the right-hand side of the module, group them and set that group to a "Repeater" to give users the option to add multiple slides, which will look something like this:

you could have the image as a variable then either have a custom event which sets the image or expose the variable on spawn and use on event construct. shown in the picture below is how to set the thumb image of a slider.

Didn't look it up for final yet, but with ...-rc1, slider height is defined in _dev/css/components/imageslipder.scss line 8 (height: 340px;) and line 11 (height: 100%. After changing this you have to re-build the theme, of course (which is apparently an issue in its own).

I haven't found anything that covers how to replace the slider knob and slider track with your own PNG images, in a way clear to the beginner, after searching on the forum with keywords like "slider image", "slider png" and others.

From what I gather so far, it looks like I'd need to load the PNG file for the slider knob and slider track in the PluginEditor.cpp -> Resources Tab. Then, the image names are shown there and in the PluginEditor.h file. Then, I'm guessing that whatever code needs to happen would be placed in the PluginEditor.cpp between the //[MiscUserDefs] comments.

I've seen posts about overwriting the lookandfeel() class, but I don't know how that is done, and would love to see an example of how the slider could be skinned that way. I'm not sure if that approach with lookandfeel() would change all sliders, and I may not want every slider in a plugin design to necessarily look the same, although it is common in GUI designs for all sliders to be idenitical.

I'm also interested in skinning rotating knobs both with and without the knobman filmstrips, but I don't want to get into too much at once. I'll be a happier person once I'm sucessfully skinning these sliders.

(I've been repeating this same message for a decade, which is why I've always resisted requests to support image-strips and any of that crap. The world of web-design finally woke up to vector graphics a couple of years ago, but plugin writers just seem to love their horrible 3D skeuomorphic interfaces!)

Andrew J, I did read those posts and they both seem to be about PNG filmstrips. At the moment, I just want to replace the slider knob and track with a non-filmstrip PNG. I know this is simple, but I'm just getting started. If I have a little help over a few bumps, I'll keep going and get better.

I don't know how to use these classes, together with the image name assigned in the introjucer (it happens to be "faderknob_png"), in a way that connects them with sliders I've created in the Introjucer.

At the moment, I'm trying to stay focused on replacing the slider "thumb" and slider "background" with my own PNG images. Not a filmstrip -- just a little static PNG image. I really want to find out how to do this the right way while I'm trying to build a foundation with JUCE.

I can't give up on replacing the slider thumb with a PNG file. Struggling through it is probably the best pedagogy for me and it's already giving me focus on the things I need to learn more about to work with JUCE.

What I don't get is how to specify the PNG file I have already imported as a binary to be used as the slider thumb. It's specifying that graphic, not a filmstrip, but a static graphic that I don't see how to do.

I battled compile errors after reading everything here and one thing that stopped some errors was to put this in the constructor area in the PluginEditor.cpp (my slider thumb image is called faderknob_png):

All help has been and will be very appreciated, whether it is specific ideas or on how to approach this. Right now I am reading books and watching videos on C++, trying out things for many hours, then when it seems hopeless, I do a forum post. I've been working on trying to skin the sliders for about three weeks now.

Instead of using slider.getRating(), try using slider.markerPos. The getRating call only provides the marker position after the choice has been made, whereas markerPos will give the current position of the marker

Thank you for the suggestion! I also tried this under Each Frame:

opac = aha_slider.markerPos() or 0 # rating from 0 to 100 insight.opacity = opac

But it did not work. I thought it may be important to set a marker position at the beginning of the routine, because by then the participant will not have moved the mouse yet. Therefore, I also added under Begin Routine:

Having layered images and changing the opacity should work. Just to confirm, might be worth printing the opacity just to make sure the range of values is between 0 and 1 as a float, and not a 0 or 1 as an integer.

A good background image is an image that you want to have as the background behind contents. You shouldn't have any texts on them, or anything that would require responsive adjustments. For those elements, use layers. So a background image should be just a simple image.

Then the Slide background image fill option defines how the background images are adjusted to the slides. By default the images fill the slider completely, which means they'll be cropped when the image size is different from the slide's size.

Images often have both dark and light parts, which makes texts over them less readable. To resolve this problem, you could add opacity to your background image, and select color too, for the background. This way you can make your background image darker or lighter.

The biggest question in this case is what do you find acceptable? A photographer wouldn't allow their images to lose quality, even if the page loading speed will be slower because of the huge file size of these high quality slider images. An average person doesn't need perfect images, as you can't even tell the difference in some cases, but you can tell the difference between the loading speed.

This template does not have any data bindings, so you shouldn't includedata or bindings key/value pairs in youropts object that is passed to the API. You should specify thetemplate and template version in the opts object like:{ template: "@flourish/photo-slider", version: "4", ...}Template settingsOptions for opts.state.

Slides, like div blocks or sections, can contain other components as well. If we drop our slider in the body, we can add a container in the slide and then drop a heading and a paragraph in the container. ff782bc1db

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